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Planning Application

This page displays details of the selected application and its progress. The information and images are retrieved from the Council's Planning database. The scanning process takes place after the application has been validated, hence images for recent applications may not yet be displayed.

If the application has not been determined and provided it is before the consultation expiry date, you can use the Comment on this Application button to make representations on the proposal which will be forwarded to the Case Officer. Guidance is available for making comments on a planning application here.

For further information on how to view the working file.

Please Note : The End of Public Consultation period date is based on the earliest date a decision can be made following public consultation on an application. This date is a live field and is updated throughout the application stage based on consultations, revised consultations, site notices and press advertisement dates, where required. Therefore this date is subject to change and if you are unsure or require further information you are advised to check with the Case Officer.

Application Details
Application number HPK/2020/0301 Application type Full - MINOR
Site address 184 Taxal Edge , Macclesfield Road , Whaley Bridge , Derbyshire , SK23 7DR Proposal Demolition of the existing building known as “Taxal Edge” and the detached garage building and the erection of 7 no. dwellings
Applicant name
Treville Properties Ltd
Agent name Mr Rawdon Gascoigne
Emery Planning Partnership
Applicant address Units 2-4 South Park Business Court , Macclesfield , SK11 8BS Agent address 4 South Park Court , Hobson Street , Macclesfield , Cheshire , SK11 8BS
Application status FULL-REF
Received date 24/07/2020 Valid date 24/07/2020
Fee due 3234.00 Fee paid 3234.00
Determination required date 18/09/2020 Agreed extended date 09/10/2020
Case Officer Rachael Simpkin
Start of Public Consultation period 24/02/2022 End of Public Consultation period 17/03/2022
Referred to Secretary of State date Referral expiry date
Decision by Planning Committee Committee date 19/04/2021
Decision Planning Permission - Refused Decision Date 19/04/2021
Temp permission expiry date Permission expiry date
Legal Obligation ref.

Planning appeal information
Appeal reference HPK/2020/0301/A
Appeal lodged date 08/04/2021
Planning Inspectorate reference APP/H1033/W/21/3272745
Planning Inspectorate start date 27/08/2021
Agent/Solicitor company name
Agent/Solicitor name
Inquiry date
Hearing date
Appeal case officer Rachael Simpkin
Appeal decision Appeal Dismissed
Appeal decision date 03/02/2023

Name Address
County Planning (Highways) Highways Section, County Hall, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3AG
Natural England EMPlanning, Block 6 & 7, Government Buildings, Chalfont Drive, Nottingham, NG8 3SN
Peak District National Park Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell, Derbyshire, DE45 1AE
HPBC Arboricultural Officer Arboricultural Officer, Town Hall, Buxton,
HPBC Environmental Health Town Hall, Buxton,
HPBC Waste (Operational Services) LEEK
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust Sandy Hill, Main Street, Middleton, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 4LR
HPBC Arboricultural Officer Arboricultural Officer, Town Hall, Buxton,
Cllr Kath Thomson Whaley Bridge Ward,
Cllr Shannon-Kate Thomson Whaley Bridge Ward,
Cllr David Lomax Whaley Bridge Ward,
Whaley Bridge Town Council Mechanics Institute, Market Street, Whaley Bridge, High Peak, SK23 7AA
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust Sandy Hill, Main Street, Middleton, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 4LR

Attachments - Click the Description to view the attachment in a new window.
Date Description
30/07/2020 Covering Letter
30/07/2020 2020 01 02 Taxal Edge Landscape Plan_1.
30/07/2020 411179 10 P4 - Site Location Plan_1.0
30/07/2020 411179 19 P4 Existing Site Plan_1.0
30/07/2020 411179 20 P14 Proposed Site Plan_1.0
30/07/2020 411179 21 P8 Typical 4 Bed House Type A_1.0
30/07/2020 411179 23 P7 6 Bed House Type C_1.0
30/07/2020 411179 24 P3 New Garage to Existing House_1.0
30/07/2020 Application Form
30/07/2020 Planning DAS for 7 dwellings_1.1
30/07/2020 Taxal Edge - image 1_1.0
30/07/2020 Taxal Edge - Image 2a_1.0
30/07/2020 Taxal Edge - Image 3_1.0
30/07/2020 Tree Condition Report Update
30/07/2020 Tree Schedule Update 18.06_1.0
30/07/2020 Phase 1 Habitat Survey Report
31/07/2020 public comment m ferguson & dr porczynska
31/07/2020 public comment s sidebottom
01/08/2020 public comment s bridge
02/08/2020 public comment c & n wood
04/08/2020 public comment t bridge
09/08/2020 public comment s stubbs
09/08/2020 public comment mrs o'donoghue
13/08/2020 public comment b & j bristol
13/08/2020 public comment h powell
13/08/2020 public comment v shelmerdine
14/08/2020 consultation response whaley bridge pc
16/08/2020 public comment r sweetmore
17/08/2020 public comment mr m ferguson & dr k porcznska.
18/08/2020 consultation response aes waste
20/08/2020 public comment mr & mrs whittell
20/08/2020 public comment s cowen
20/08/2020 Bat Survey
23/08/2020 public comment m ferguson & dr k porcynska..
24/08/2020 public comment g cullen
27/08/2020 public comment k ashton
27/08/2020 consultation response united utilities
01/09/2020 consultation response cllr k thomson
16/09/2020 consultation resonse DCC Urban Design
17/09/2020 Consultation Response Derbyshire Wildlife Trust
24/09/2020 consultation resonse DCC Landscapes
28/09/2020 Consultation Response DCC Highways
28/09/2020 Consultation Response Environmental Health
29/09/2020 consultation resonse HPBC Aboricultural
22/10/2020 Consultation Response Natural England
30/10/2020 411179 25 P1 Site Sections
06/11/2020 Applicant's Counsel Opinion (September)
06/11/2020 Applicant's Counsel Opinion (November)
09/11/2020 411179 25 P2 Site Sections
09/11/2020 2020 01 02 REV A Taxal Edge
09/11/2020 2020 01 02 Taxal Edge Landscape Design Ethos
09/11/2020 BS5837 Arboricultural Report - Stage 1 & 2 FINAL
09/11/2020 BS5837 Arboricultural Report - Stage 3 FINAL
09/11/2020 consultation resonse HPBC Aboricultural (2)
06/01/2021 public comment r gascoigne
18/01/2021 2008 decision notice
18/01/2021 application form 2008
18/01/2021 Birds eye view cut out
18/01/2021 Drone image with proposed development
18/01/2021 location plan 2008
18/01/2021 location plan 2013.
18/01/2021 location plan stamped 2009
18/01/2021 Original Drone photo taken dec
18/01/2021 Taxal Edge Opinion (Nov 2020)
18/01/2021 Taxal Edge Opinion (September 2020)(final) (002)
01/04/2021 Housing Mix Statement
01/04/2021 Housing Mix Letter
15/04/2021 Publi Comment Mark Whittell
16/04/2021 HPK-2020-0301 - letter to committee 15-04-2021
16/04/2021 Public comment Mark Whittell
16/04/2021 Public comment Mark Whittell
19/04/2021 Decision
19/04/2021 Council's Statement of Case (Part 1 of 2) Development Control Committee Officer Report dated 19.04.21
19/04/2021 Council's Statement of Case (Part 2 of 2) Development Control Committee Update Sheet dated 19.04.21
31/08/2021 Appeal Form
31/08/2021 Statement of Case
31/08/2021 Appellant's Appeal Form
31/08/2021 Appellant's Appeal Documents List
31/08/2021 Appellant's 19-429 - ApplicationForm-1.0
31/08/2021 Appellant's 19-429 - Letter to PINS requesting inquiry
31/08/2021 Appellant's 19-429 - Statement of Case - Taxal Edge - Final.
31/08/2021 Appellant's 100A - Confirmation of Valid Appeal - Support Team - 29 Jul 2021
31/08/2021 Appellant's DRAFT Statement of Common Ground
31/08/2021 Appellant's Letter to LPA re SoCG 07.07.21
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire 175_plan
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire 175_sched
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - appeal notification letter
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - appeals hearing notification list
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - consultation resonse DCC Landscapes
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - consultation resonse DCC Urban Design
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - consultation resonse HPBC Aboricultural
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - consultation resonse HPBC Aboricultura
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - consultation response aes waste
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - consultation response cllr k thomson
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Consultation Response DCC Highways
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Consultation Response Environmental Health
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Consultation Response Natural England
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - consultation response united utilities
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - consultation response whaley bridge pc
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Development Control Committee Monday 19th April 2021 Minutes
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - HP Design guide 18 FINAL VERSION PDF
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - HP LP Policy EQ2
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - HP LP Policy EQ3
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - HP LP policy EQ6
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - HP LP policy S1
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - HP LP policy S1a
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - HP LP policy S2
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - HP LP policy S6
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - HPK-2020-0301 Taxal Edge Officer Report
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Landscape_SPD_March06
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Local plan 2016 front page
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment b & j bristol
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment c & n wood
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment g cullen
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment h powell
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment k ashton
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment m ferguson & dr k porcynska
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment m ferguson & dr k porcynska
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment mrs o'donoghue
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Public comment Mark Whittell
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Public comment Mark Whittell
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Public comment Mark Whittell
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment mr m ferguson & dr k porcznska
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment mrs o'donoghue
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment r gascoigne
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment r sweetmore
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment s bridge
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment s cowen
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment s sidebottom
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment s stubbs
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment t bridge
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment v shelmerdine
09/09/2021 Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Residential Design SPD
02/02/2022 EP2 - Housing Mix Statement
02/02/2022 Letter to RS re Housing Mix - 010321
02/02/2022 411179 25 P1 Site Sections
02/02/2022 2020 01 02 REV A Taxal Edge
02/02/2022 2020 01 02 Taxal Edge Landscape Design Ethos
02/02/2022 411179 25 P2 Site Sections
02/02/2022 Taxal Edge - BS5837 Arboricultural Report - Stage 1 & 2 FINAL (MK)
02/02/2022 Taxal Edge - BS5837 Arboricultural Report - Stage 3 FINAL (MK)
02/02/2022 2008 decision notice
02/02/2022 application form 2008
02/02/2022 Birds eye view cut out
02/02/2022 Drone image with proposed development
02/02/2022 location plan 2008
02/02/2022 location plan 2013
02/02/2022 location plan stamped 2009
02/02/2022 Original Drone photo taken dec 2020
02/02/2022 Taxal Edge Opinion (Nov 2020)
02/02/2022 Taxal Edge Opinion (September 2020)(final) (002)
02/02/2022 Taxal Edge Bat Survey Report_August 2020
02/02/2022 2020-07-26 - HPBC acknowledgment HPK-2020-0301
02/02/2022 2020-07-26 - Receipt of application - Agent - App ref HPK20200301
02/02/2022 2020-07-30 - HPBC validation Letter Agent - App ref HPK20200301
02/02/2022 2020-07-30 - validation letter
02/02/2022 2020-08-03 - EP to HPBC-RS re officer report
02/02/2022 2020-08-17 - EP to HPBC re comment by Mr & Mrs Whittel in public domain
02/02/2022 response to comment by Mr & Mrs Whittel in public domain
02/02/2022 Appellants appeal correspondence and documents as sent 2020-09-01 - email chain re consultee responses and extension time
02/02/2022 2020-09-02 - email chain re extension time and fallback assessment by LPA and committee
02/02/2022 2020-09-07 - BP to HPBC re comments by Cllr Thomson
02/02/2022 (Cllr Thomson comments)
02/02/2022 2020-09-21 - EP to HPBC responding re implementation of permissions
02/02/2022 2020-09-21 - issue of TPO
02/02/2022 2020-09-28 - EP to HPBC re officer recommendation to refuse
02/02/2022 2020-09-30 - EP to HPBC re consultee comments in officer report
02/02/2022 2020-09-30 - HPBC response re officer report & EP confirmation not wdl app
02/02/2022 2020-10-01 - EP to HPBC submitting Opinion Sept 2020
02/02/2022 2020-10-02 - extension time and deferral from committee
02/02/2022 Appellants appeal correspondence and 2020-10-21 - chasing response re meeting re trees & landscaping & feedback on opinion
02/02/2022 2020-10-28 - EP extension time request.
02/02/2022 2020-10-28 - EP response to HPBC - Rachel Simpkin email
02/02/2022 2020-10-30 - BP response to HPBC re nov committee
02/02/2022 2020-10-30 - email chain re uploading docs and planning committee
02/02/2022 2020-10-30 - EP (BP) response re extant permissions
02/02/2022 2020-11-03 - EP-BP to HPBC-RS re tree report
02/02/2022 2020-11-05 - EP-BP to LPA with opinion of Nov 2020
02/02/2022 2020-11-06 - BP email to LPA re opinions - site history - treatment of info
02/02/2022 2020-11-06 - letter inc opinions to committee members
02/02/2022 2020-11-09 - email to LPA with committee speech
02/02/2022 2020-11-09 - to LPA requesting meeting
02/02/2022 2020-11-11 - email to LPA chasing meeting
02/02/2022 2020-11-11 - emails with LPA arranging meeting
02/02/2022 2020-11-11 - emails with LPA re meeting dates
02/02/2022 2020-11-17 - email to HPBC with info for meeting
02/02/2022 2020-11-25 - EP-BP without prejudice response to HPBC with revised sketch
02/02/2022 2020-11-25 - LPA chasing revised sketch & agreed extension time
02/02/2022 2020-12-01 - EP-BP to HPBC chasing response on revised sketch
02/02/2022 2020-12-07 - EP-BP further chasing response
02/02/2022 2021-01-06 - email chain regarding revisions to scheme
02/02/2022 2021-01-06 - email chain regarding revisions to scheme
02/02/2022 2021-01-07 - RG-EP chasing HPBC-RS for response to email 06-01-2020
02/02/2022 2021-01-13 - EP-RG further chasing HPBC-RS for response to email 06-01-2020
02/02/2022 2021-01-19 - email chain following info supplied 06-01-2021
02/02/2022 2021-01-21 - EP-RG to HPBC chain chasing info on LPA website
02/02/2022 2021-02-15 - EP-RG to HPBC re planning committee
02/02/2022 2021-02-24 - EP-RG to HPBC chasing progress
02/02/2022 2021-03-01 - EP-BP to HPBC re housing mix
02/02/2022 2021-03-12 - EP-RG to HPBC querying why not on March committee
02/02/2022 Appellants appeal correspondence and 2021-03-23 - EP email to HPBC & PINS re intention to submit appeal
10/02/2022 Council Letter to Planning Inspectorate dated 10.02.22
11/02/2022 Appellant's 3272745 - Landscape Appeal Statement with appendices (M3414-LS-21.07-V2)
01/03/2022 Appellant's Appeal Statement
01/03/2022 Appellant's Appeal Statement Appendices
01/03/2022 Planning Inspectorate's letter to Rawdon Gascoinge
01/03/2022 Applicant - Andrew Baker Witness Statement final
01/03/2022 Appellant 1609 Andrew Baker Witness Statement final
07/03/2022 Council's Landscape Statement Rev A
08/03/2022 Council - Mansell v Tonbridge & Malling [2017] EWCA Civ 1314
08/03/2022 Council - Hillside Parks Ltd v Snowdonia National Park Authority [2021] JPL 698 CA
08/03/2022 Council - 19th April 2021 DC Committee Presentation 19.04.21
08/03/2022 Council - Tewkesbury BC v SSHCLG [2021] EWHC 2782 (Admin) - 5YS
08/03/2022 Council - Long Lane Appeal Decision
08/03/2022 Council - Manchester Road, Tunstead Milton, High Peak
08/03/2022 Council - LPA legal submissions
08/03/2022 Council - Landscape_Impact_Assessment Wardell Armstrong
08/03/2022 411179 22 P7 Typical 4 Bed House Type B-1.0-For Submission
08/03/2022 42028R1 Taxal Edge Resi, Whaley Bridge P1 Iss RevA - Ground cond - reduced_Part1
08/03/2022 42028R1 Taxal Edge Resi, Whaley Bridge P1 Iss RevA - Ground cond - reduced_Part2
08/03/2022 42028R1 Taxal Edge Resi, Whaley Bridge P1 Iss RevA - Ground cond - reduced_Part3
08/03/2022 Appeal Taxal Edge Document Library HPBC
09/03/2022 D1.1 Planning, Design and Access Statement (Emery Planning, July 2020)
09/03/2022 D1.2 Site Location Plan (TADW drawing no. 411179 10 P4
09/03/2022 D1.3 Existing Site Plan (TADW drawing no. 411179 19 P4
09/03/2022 D1.4 Proposed Site Plan (TADW drawing no. 411179 20 P14
09/03/2022 D1.5 House Type A - Floor Plans and Elevations (TADW drawing no. 411179 21 P8
09/03/2022 D1.6 House Type B - Floor Plans and Elevations (TADW drawing no. 411179 22 P7
09/03/2022 D1.7 House Type C - Floor Plans and Elevations (TADW drawing no. 411179 23 P7
09/03/2022 D1.8 Garage Plan - Floor Plan and Elevations (TADW drawing no. 411179 24 P3
09/03/2022 D1.9 Landscape Works - General Arrangement Plan (The Plant Room drawing no. PR/0/GC04/GA/01
09/03/2022 D1.10 Street scene images 1
09/03/2022 D1.10 Street scene images 2
09/03/2022 D1.10 Street scene images 3
09/03/2022 D1.11 Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey Report (NLG, April 2020)
09/03/2022 D1.12 Phase 1 Site Investigation Report (Peak Environmental, May 2020)
09/03/2022 D1.13 Arboricultural Report - Tree Condition Update (Thompson Tree Services, June 2020
09/03/2022 D2.1 Report to Development Control Committee 19.4.21
09/03/2022 D2.2 Update sheet to Development Control Committee 19.4.21
09/03/2022 D2.3 Development Control Committee Presentation (Taxal Edge) 19.4.21
09/03/2022 D2.4 Decision Notice
09/03/2022 D2.5 Council Landscape Statement March 2022
09/03/2022 D2.6 Council Legal Submissions March 2022
09/03/2022 D2.7 Council Building Control Record September 2011
09/03/2022 D2.8 Approved Inspector Building Control Record July 2016 - Client Letter
09/03/2022 D2.8 Approved Inspector Building Control Record July 2016 - Initial Notice
09/03/2022 D2.8 Approved Inspector Building Control Record July 2016 - Verbal Confirmation Letter
09/03/2022 D2.8 Approved Inspector Building Control Record July 2016 Receipt
09/03/2022 D2.9 Council Landscape Statement (Additional Views) March 2022
09/03/2022 D2.10 Council Letter to Planning Inspectorate 10th February 2022
09/03/2022 D2.11 Derbyshire Wildlife Trust Statement March 2022
09/03/2022 D2.12 Council Appeal Scheme Planning Balance
09/03/2022 D3.1 Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017
09/03/2022 D3.2 BS 42020:2013 Biodiversity. Code of practice for planning and development
09/03/2022 D3.3 CIEEM advice note on lifespan of ecological data
09/03/2022 D4.1 Appeal form
09/03/2022 D4.2 Appellant's Statement of Case April 2021
09/03/2022 D4.3 Appellant Document List April 2021
09/03/2022 D4.4 Appellant's Statement of Case July 2021
09/03/2022 D4.5 Appendices to Appeal Statement
09/03/2022 D4.6 Landscape Appeal Statement July 2021
09/03/2022 D4.7 Hearing Statement on Ecology (Andrew Baker) March 2022
09/03/2022 D4.8 Amended appeal form April 2021
09/03/2022 D4.9 Notice under Articles 13 and 36
09/03/2022 D4.10 Letter to landowner February 2022
09/03/2022 D4.11 Landowner letter of support March 2022
09/03/2022 D4.12 Confirmation of ecologist's assessment of trees (Andrew Baker) March 2022
09/03/2022 D5.1 Submitted 20 August 2020 -Bat Survey by NLG Ecology Ltd dated August 2020 (ref: V1)
09/03/2022 D5.2 Site sections (drawing no. 411179-25-P1)
09/03/2022 D5.3 a Landscape Design Statement by The Plant Room dated October 2020
09/03/2022 D5.3 b Proposed Landscape works plan by The Plant Room (drawing no. PR/20/GC04/GA/01 Rev A)
09/03/2022 D5.3 c Site sections (drawing no. 41179-25-P2)
09/03/2022 D5.4 d Tree Schedule / Tree Constraints Plan / Arboricultural Impact Assessment by Thomson Tree Services dated November 2020
09/03/2022 D5.3 e Arboricultural Method Statement & Tree Protection Plan by Thomson Tree Services dated November 2020
09/03/2022 D5.4 a Opinion of Jonathan Easton, Kings Chambers dated 30 September 2020
09/03/2022 D5.4 b Opinion of Jonathan Easton, Kings Chambers dated 4 November 2020
09/03/2022 D5.4 c Drone image taken December 2020
09/03/2022 D5.4 d Drone image with proposed development
09/03/2022 D5.4 e Birds-eye view cut out visual image
09/03/2022 D5.4 f Application form 2008
09/03/2022 D5.4 g Decision notice HPK/2008/0069 granted 28 March 2008
09/03/2022 D5.4 h Location plan 2008
09/03/2022 D5.4 i Location plan 2013
09/03/2022 D5.4 j Location plan stamped 2009
09/03/2022 D5.5 Letter to HPBC dated 1 March 2021 addressing housing mix types
09/03/2022 D6.1 High Peak Local Plan April 2016 Part 1
09/03/2022 D6.1 High Peak Local Plan April 2016 Part 2
09/03/2022 D6.1 High Peak Local Plan April 2016 Part 3
09/03/2022 D6.2 The Landscape Character Supplementary Planning Document (March 2006)
09/03/2022 D6.3 High Peak Borough Council Adopted Residential Design Guide (December 2005)
09/03/2022 D6.4 High Peak Borough Council High Peak Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (February 2018)
09/03/2022 D6.5 Council's High Peak Local Plan Landscape Impact Assessment 2014
09/03/2022 D6.6 National Design Guide 2021
09/03/2022 D7.1 2020-07-26 - HPBC acknowledgment HPK-2020-0301
09/03/2022 D7.2 2020-07-30 - HPBC validation Letter Agent - App ref HPK20200301
09/03/2022 D7.3 2020-08-03 - EP to HPBC-RS re officer report
09/03/2022 D7.4 2020-08-17 - EP to HPBC re comment by Mr & Mrs Whittel in public domain
09/03/2022 D7.5 2020-08-18 - HPBC response to comment by Mr & Mrs Whittel in public domain
09/03/2022 D7.6 2020-09-01 - email chain re consultee responses and extension time
09/03/2022 D7.7 2020-09-02 - email chain re extension time and fallback assessment by LPA and committee
09/03/2022 D7.8 2020-09-07 - BP to HPBC re comments by Cllr Thomson
09/03/2022 D7.9 2020-09-18 - EP response to HPBC re fallback (Cllr Thomson comments)
09/03/2022 D7.10 2020-09-21 - EP to HPBC responding re implementation of permissions
09/03/2022 D7.11 2020-09-21 - issue of TPO
09/03/2022 D7.12 2020-09-28 - EP to HPBC re officer recommendation to refuse
09/03/2022 D7.13 2020-09-30 - EP to HPBC re consultee comments in officer report
09/03/2022 D7.14 2020-09-30 - HPBC response re officer report & EP confirmation not withdrawing application
09/03/2022 D7.15 2020-10-01 - EP to HPBC submitting Opinion Sept 2020
09/03/2022 D7.16 2020-10-02 - extension time and deferral from committee
09/03/2022 D7.17 2020-10-21 - chasing response re meeting re trees & landscaping & feedback on opinion
09/03/2022 D7.17 2020-10-28 - EP extension time request
09/03/2022 D7.18 2020-10-28 - EP response to HPBC - Rachel Simpkin email
09/03/2022 D7.19 2020-10-30 - BP response to HPBC re November committee
09/03/2022 D7.20 2020-10-30 - email chain re uploading docs and planning committee
09/03/2022 D7.21 2020-10-30 - EP (BP) response re extant permissions
09/03/2022 D7.22 2020-11-03 - EP-BP to HPBC-RS re tree report
09/03/2022 D7.23 2020-11-05 - EP-BP to LPA with opinion of Nov 2020
09/03/2022 D7.24 2020-11-06 - BP email to LPA re opinions - site history - treatment of info
09/03/2022 D7.24 2020-11-06 - letter including opinions to committee members
09/03/2022 D7.25 2020-11-09 - email to LPA with committee speech
09/03/2022 D7.26 2020-11-09 - to LPA requesting meeting
09/03/2022 D7.27 2020-11-06 - BP email to LPA re opinions - site history - treatment of info
09/03/2022 D7.27 2020-11-06 - letter including opinions to committee members
09/03/2022 D7.28 2020-11-11 - email to LPA chasing meeting
09/03/2022 D7.29 2020-11-11 - emails with LPA arranging meeting
09/03/2022 D7.29 2020-11-11 - emails with LPA re meeting dates
09/03/2022 D7.30 2020-11-17 - email to HPBC with info for meeting
09/03/2022 D7.31 2020-11-25 - EP-BP without prejudice response to HPBC with revised sketch
09/03/2022 D7.32 2020-11-25 - LPA chasing revised sketch & agreed extension time
09/03/2022 D7.33 2020-12-01 - EP-BP to HPBC chasing response on revised sketch
09/03/2022 D7.34 2020-12-07 - EP-BP further chasing response
09/03/2022 D7.35 2021-01-06 - email chain regarding revisions to scheme
09/03/2022 D7.36 2021-01-07 - RG-EP chasing HPBC-RS for response to email 06-01-2020
09/03/2022 D7.37 2021-01-13 - EP-RG further chasing HPBC-RS for response to email
09/03/2022 D7.37 06-01-2020 2021-01-19 - email chain following info supplied 06-01-2021
09/03/2022 D7.38 2021-01-21 - EP-RG to HPBC chain chasing info on LPA website
09/03/2022 D7.39 2021-01-07 - RG-EP chasing HPBC-RS for response to email 06-01-2020
09/03/2022 D7.40 021-02-15 - EP-RG to HPBC re planning committee
09/03/2022 D7.41 2021-02-24 - EP-RG to HPBC chasing progress
09/03/2022 D7.42 2021-03-01 - EP-BP to HPBC re housing mix
09/03/2022 D7.43 2021-03-12 - EP-RG to HPBC querying why not on March committee
09/03/2022 D7.44 2021-03-23 - EP email to HPBC & PINS re intention to submit appeal
09/03/2022 D8.1 a HPK/2008/0069 Application Form, Location Plan 1 and Location Plan 2
09/03/2022 D8.1 b HPK/2008/0069 Decision Notice
09/03/2022 D8.2 a HPK/2009/0689 Location Plan
09/03/2022 D8.2 b HPK/2009/0689 Site Plan 1
09/03/2022 D8.2 c HPK/2009/0689 Site Plan 2
09/03/2022 D8.2 d HPK/2009/0689 10/358/01A
09/03/2022 D8.3 e HPK/2009/0689 09/358/02A
09/03/2022 D8.2 f HPK/2009/0689 10/358/03A
09/03/2022 D8.9 g HPK/2009/0689 10/358/04A
09/03/2022 D8.2 h HPK/2009/0689 10/358/05A
09/03/2022 D8.2 i HPK/2009/0689 10/358/06A
09/03/2022 D8.2 j HPK/2009/0689 10/358/07
09/03/2022 D8.2 k HPK/2009/0689 09/358/08
09/03/2022 D8.2 l HPK/2009/0689 09/358/6 MISSING
09/03/2022 D8.2 m HPK/2009/0689 09/358/09A
09/03/2022 D8.2 n HPK/2009/0689 Tree Protection Plan South
09/03/2022 D8.2 o HPK/2009/0689 Tree Constraints Plan North
09/03/2022 D8.2 p HPK/2009/0689 Design and Access Statement
09/03/2022 D8.2 q HPK/2009/0689 Tree Appraisal
09/03/2022 D8.2 r HPK/2009/0689 Delegated Report
09/03/2022 D8.2 s HPK/2009/0689 Decision Notice
09/03/2022 D8.3 t HPK/2009/0689 HPBC Condition Discharge Letter 19.12.12
09/03/2022 D8.2 u HPK/2009/0689 HPBC Condition Discharge Letter 15.04.13
09/03/2022 D8.3 a HPK/2013/0503 Location Plan
09/03/2022 D8.3 b HPK/2013/0503 Site Plan
09/03/2022 D8.3 c HPK/2013/0503 13/382/01A Rev A
09/03/2022 D8.3 d HPK/2013/0503 13/382/02A
09/03/2022 D8.3 e HPK/2013/0503 13/382/03
09/03/2022 D8.3f HPK/2013/0503 13/382/04
09/03/2022 D8.3 g HPK/2013/0503 13/382/05
09/03/2022 D8.3 h HPK/2013/0503 13/382/06
09/03/2022 D8.3 i HPK/2013/0503 13/382/07A
09/03/2022 D8.3 j HPK/2013/0503 13/382/09
09/03/2022 D8.3 k HPK/2013/0503 13/382/010
09/03/2022 D8.3 l HPK/2013/0503 lDocument 4
09/03/2022 D8.3 m HPK/2013/0503 Delegated Report
09/03/2022 D8.3 n HPK/2013/0503 Decision Notice
09/03/2022 D9.1 R (Mansell) v Tonbridge & Malling BC [2017] EWCA Civ 131
09/03/2022 D9.2 Hillside Parks Ltd v Snowdonia National Park Authority [2020] EWCA Civ 1440
09/03/2022 D9.3 Tewksbury BC v SSHCLG (2021) EWHC 2782 (Admin)
09/03/2022 D9.4 Appeal Ref. APP/H1033/W/15/3136353 Land off Long Lane, Chapel en le Frith
09/03/2022 D9.5 Appeal ref. APP/1033/W/16/3147726 Manchester Road Tunstead Milton
09/03/2022 D9.6 R (Mansell) v Tonbridge & Malling BC [2016] EWHC 2832 (Admin)
09/03/2022 D9.7 Corbett, R (On the Application Of) v The Cornwall Council [2021] EWHC 1114 (Admin) (30 April 2021)
09/03/2022 D10.1 General Statement of Common Ground 11th March 2020
05/10/2022 Consultation Response Env Health
07/02/2023 Appeal Decision
07/02/2023 Appeal Decision Cover Letter

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