Application Details |
Application number
HPK/2020/0301 |
Application type
Full - MINOR |
Site address
184 Taxal Edge
Macclesfield Road
Whaley Bridge
SK23 7DR |
Demolition of the existing building known as “Taxal Edge” and the detached garage building and the erection of 7 no. dwellings |
Applicant name
Treville Properties Ltd |
Agent name
Mr Rawdon Gascoigne Emery Planning Partnership |
Applicant address
Units 2-4 South Park Business Court
SK11 8BS |
Agent address
4 South Park Court
Hobson Street
SK11 8BS |
Application status
Received date
24/07/2020 |
Valid date
24/07/2020 |
Fee due
3234.00 |
Fee paid
3234.00 |
Determination required date
18/09/2020 |
Agreed extended date
09/10/2020 |
Case Officer
Rachael Simpkin
Start of Public Consultation period
24/02/2022 |
End of Public Consultation period
17/03/2022 |
Referred to Secretary of State date
Referral expiry date
Decision by
Planning Committee |
Committee date
19/04/2021 |
Planning Permission - Refused |
Decision Date
19/04/2021 |
Temp permission expiry date
Permission expiry date
Legal Obligation ref.
Consultations |
County Planning (Highways) |
Highways Section, County Hall, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3AG |
Natural England |
EMPlanning, Block 6 & 7, Government Buildings, Chalfont Drive, Nottingham, NG8 3SN |
Peak District National Park |
Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell, Derbyshire, DE45 1AE |
HPBC Arboricultural Officer |
Arboricultural Officer, Town Hall, Buxton, |
HPBC Environmental Health |
Town Hall, Buxton, |
HPBC Waste (Operational Services) |
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust |
Sandy Hill, Main Street, Middleton, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 4LR |
HPBC Arboricultural Officer |
Arboricultural Officer, Town Hall, Buxton, |
Cllr Kath Thomson |
Whaley Bridge Ward, |
Cllr Shannon-Kate Thomson |
Whaley Bridge Ward, |
Cllr David Lomax |
Whaley Bridge Ward, |
Whaley Bridge Town Council |
Mechanics Institute, Market Street, Whaley Bridge, High Peak, SK23 7AA |
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust |
Sandy Hill, Main Street, Middleton, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 4LR |
Attachments - Click the Description to view the attachment in a new window. |
30/07/2020 |
Covering Letter
30/07/2020 |
2020 01 02 Taxal Edge Landscape Plan_1.
30/07/2020 |
411179 10 P4 - Site Location Plan_1.0
30/07/2020 |
411179 19 P4 Existing Site Plan_1.0
30/07/2020 |
411179 20 P14 Proposed Site Plan_1.0
30/07/2020 |
411179 21 P8 Typical 4 Bed House Type A_1.0
30/07/2020 |
411179 23 P7 6 Bed House Type C_1.0
30/07/2020 |
411179 24 P3 New Garage to Existing House_1.0
30/07/2020 |
Application Form
30/07/2020 |
Planning DAS for 7 dwellings_1.1
30/07/2020 |
Taxal Edge - image 1_1.0
30/07/2020 |
Taxal Edge - Image 2a_1.0
30/07/2020 |
Taxal Edge - Image 3_1.0
30/07/2020 |
Tree Condition Report Update
30/07/2020 |
Tree Schedule Update 18.06_1.0
30/07/2020 |
Phase 1 Habitat Survey Report
31/07/2020 |
public comment m ferguson & dr porczynska
31/07/2020 |
public comment s sidebottom
01/08/2020 |
public comment s bridge
02/08/2020 |
public comment c & n wood
04/08/2020 |
public comment t bridge
09/08/2020 |
public comment s stubbs
09/08/2020 |
public comment mrs o'donoghue
13/08/2020 |
public comment b & j bristol
13/08/2020 |
public comment h powell
13/08/2020 |
public comment v shelmerdine
14/08/2020 |
consultation response whaley bridge pc
16/08/2020 |
public comment r sweetmore
17/08/2020 |
public comment mr m ferguson & dr k porcznska.
18/08/2020 |
consultation response aes waste
20/08/2020 |
public comment mr & mrs whittell
20/08/2020 |
public comment s cowen
20/08/2020 |
Bat Survey
23/08/2020 |
public comment m ferguson & dr k porcynska..
24/08/2020 |
public comment g cullen
27/08/2020 |
public comment k ashton
27/08/2020 |
consultation response united utilities
01/09/2020 |
consultation response cllr k thomson
16/09/2020 |
consultation resonse DCC Urban Design
17/09/2020 |
Consultation Response Derbyshire Wildlife Trust
24/09/2020 |
consultation resonse DCC Landscapes
28/09/2020 |
Consultation Response DCC Highways
28/09/2020 |
Consultation Response Environmental Health
29/09/2020 |
consultation resonse HPBC Aboricultural
22/10/2020 |
Consultation Response Natural England
30/10/2020 |
411179 25 P1 Site Sections
06/11/2020 |
Applicant's Counsel Opinion (September)
06/11/2020 |
Applicant's Counsel Opinion (November)
09/11/2020 |
411179 25 P2 Site Sections
09/11/2020 |
2020 01 02 REV A Taxal Edge
09/11/2020 |
2020 01 02 Taxal Edge Landscape Design Ethos
09/11/2020 |
BS5837 Arboricultural Report - Stage 1 & 2 FINAL
09/11/2020 |
BS5837 Arboricultural Report - Stage 3 FINAL
09/11/2020 |
consultation resonse HPBC Aboricultural (2)
06/01/2021 |
public comment r gascoigne
18/01/2021 |
2008 decision notice
18/01/2021 |
application form 2008
18/01/2021 |
Birds eye view cut out
18/01/2021 |
Drone image with proposed development
18/01/2021 |
location plan 2008
18/01/2021 |
location plan 2013.
18/01/2021 |
location plan stamped 2009
18/01/2021 |
Original Drone photo taken dec
18/01/2021 |
Taxal Edge Opinion (Nov 2020)
18/01/2021 |
Taxal Edge Opinion (September 2020)(final) (002)
01/04/2021 |
Housing Mix Statement
01/04/2021 |
Housing Mix Letter
15/04/2021 |
Publi Comment Mark Whittell
16/04/2021 |
HPK-2020-0301 - letter to committee 15-04-2021
16/04/2021 |
Public comment Mark Whittell
16/04/2021 |
Public comment Mark Whittell
19/04/2021 |
19/04/2021 |
Council's Statement of Case (Part 1 of 2) Development Control Committee Officer Report dated 19.04.21
19/04/2021 |
Council's Statement of Case (Part 2 of 2) Development Control Committee Update Sheet dated 19.04.21
31/08/2021 |
Appeal Form
31/08/2021 |
Statement of Case
31/08/2021 |
Appellant's Appeal Form
31/08/2021 |
Appellant's Appeal Documents List
31/08/2021 |
Appellant's 19-429 - ApplicationForm-1.0
31/08/2021 |
Appellant's 19-429 - Letter to PINS requesting inquiry
31/08/2021 |
Appellant's 19-429 - Statement of Case - Taxal Edge - Final.
31/08/2021 |
Appellant's 100A - Confirmation of Valid Appeal - Support Team - 29 Jul 2021
31/08/2021 |
Appellant's DRAFT Statement of Common Ground
31/08/2021 |
Appellant's Letter to LPA re SoCG 07.07.21
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire 175_plan
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire 175_sched
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - appeal notification letter
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - appeals hearing notification list
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - consultation resonse DCC Landscapes
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - consultation resonse DCC Urban Design
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - consultation resonse HPBC Aboricultural
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - consultation resonse HPBC Aboricultura
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - consultation response aes waste
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - consultation response cllr k thomson
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Consultation Response DCC Highways
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Consultation Response Environmental Health
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Consultation Response Natural England
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - consultation response united utilities
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - consultation response whaley bridge pc
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Development Control Committee Monday 19th April 2021 Minutes
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - HP Design guide 18 FINAL VERSION PDF
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - HP LP Policy EQ2
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - HP LP Policy EQ3
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - HP LP policy EQ6
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - HP LP policy S1
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - HP LP policy S1a
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - HP LP policy S2
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - HP LP policy S6
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - HPK-2020-0301 Taxal Edge Officer Report
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Landscape_SPD_March06
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Local plan 2016 front page
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment b & j bristol
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment c & n wood
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment g cullen
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment h powell
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment k ashton
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment m ferguson & dr k porcynska
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment m ferguson & dr k porcynska
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment mrs o'donoghue
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Public comment Mark Whittell
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Public comment Mark Whittell
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Public comment Mark Whittell
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment mr m ferguson & dr k porcznska
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment mrs o'donoghue
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment r gascoigne
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment r sweetmore
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment s bridge
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment s cowen
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment s sidebottom
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment s stubbs
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment t bridge
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - public comment v shelmerdine
09/09/2021 |
Council's Appeal Questionnaire - Residential Design SPD
02/02/2022 |
EP2 - Housing Mix Statement
02/02/2022 |
Letter to RS re Housing Mix - 010321
02/02/2022 |
411179 25 P1 Site Sections
02/02/2022 |
2020 01 02 REV A Taxal Edge
02/02/2022 |
2020 01 02 Taxal Edge Landscape Design Ethos
02/02/2022 |
411179 25 P2 Site Sections
02/02/2022 |
Taxal Edge - BS5837 Arboricultural Report - Stage 1 & 2 FINAL (MK)
02/02/2022 |
Taxal Edge - BS5837 Arboricultural Report - Stage 3 FINAL (MK)
02/02/2022 |
2008 decision notice
02/02/2022 |
application form 2008
02/02/2022 |
Birds eye view cut out
02/02/2022 |
Drone image with proposed development
02/02/2022 |
location plan 2008
02/02/2022 |
location plan 2013
02/02/2022 |
location plan stamped 2009
02/02/2022 |
Original Drone photo taken dec 2020
02/02/2022 |
Taxal Edge Opinion (Nov 2020)
02/02/2022 |
Taxal Edge Opinion (September 2020)(final) (002)
02/02/2022 |
Taxal Edge Bat Survey Report_August 2020
02/02/2022 |
2020-07-26 - HPBC acknowledgment HPK-2020-0301
02/02/2022 |
2020-07-26 - Receipt of application - Agent - App ref HPK20200301
02/02/2022 |
2020-07-30 - HPBC validation Letter Agent - App ref HPK20200301
02/02/2022 |
2020-07-30 - validation letter
02/02/2022 |
2020-08-03 - EP to HPBC-RS re officer report
02/02/2022 |
2020-08-17 - EP to HPBC re comment by Mr & Mrs Whittel in public domain
02/02/2022 |
response to comment by Mr & Mrs Whittel in public domain
02/02/2022 |
Appellants appeal correspondence and documents as sent 2020-09-01 - email chain re consultee responses and extension time
02/02/2022 |
2020-09-02 - email chain re extension time and fallback assessment by LPA and committee
02/02/2022 |
2020-09-07 - BP to HPBC re comments by Cllr Thomson
02/02/2022 |
(Cllr Thomson comments)
02/02/2022 |
2020-09-21 - EP to HPBC responding re implementation of permissions
02/02/2022 |
2020-09-21 - issue of TPO
02/02/2022 |
2020-09-28 - EP to HPBC re officer recommendation to refuse
02/02/2022 |
2020-09-30 - EP to HPBC re consultee comments in officer report
02/02/2022 |
2020-09-30 - HPBC response re officer report & EP confirmation not wdl app
02/02/2022 |
2020-10-01 - EP to HPBC submitting Opinion Sept 2020
02/02/2022 |
2020-10-02 - extension time and deferral from committee
02/02/2022 |
Appellants appeal correspondence and 2020-10-21 - chasing response re meeting re trees & landscaping & feedback on opinion
02/02/2022 |
2020-10-28 - EP extension time request.
02/02/2022 |
2020-10-28 - EP response to HPBC - Rachel Simpkin email
02/02/2022 |
2020-10-30 - BP response to HPBC re nov committee
02/02/2022 |
2020-10-30 - email chain re uploading docs and planning committee
02/02/2022 |
2020-10-30 - EP (BP) response re extant permissions
02/02/2022 |
2020-11-03 - EP-BP to HPBC-RS re tree report
02/02/2022 |
2020-11-05 - EP-BP to LPA with opinion of Nov 2020
02/02/2022 |
2020-11-06 - BP email to LPA re opinions - site history - treatment of info
02/02/2022 |
2020-11-06 - letter inc opinions to committee members
02/02/2022 |
2020-11-09 - email to LPA with committee speech
02/02/2022 |
2020-11-09 - to LPA requesting meeting
02/02/2022 |
2020-11-11 - email to LPA chasing meeting
02/02/2022 |
2020-11-11 - emails with LPA arranging meeting
02/02/2022 |
2020-11-11 - emails with LPA re meeting dates
02/02/2022 |
2020-11-17 - email to HPBC with info for meeting
02/02/2022 |
2020-11-25 - EP-BP without prejudice response to HPBC with revised sketch
02/02/2022 |
2020-11-25 - LPA chasing revised sketch & agreed extension time
02/02/2022 |
2020-12-01 - EP-BP to HPBC chasing response on revised sketch
02/02/2022 |
2020-12-07 - EP-BP further chasing response
02/02/2022 |
2021-01-06 - email chain regarding revisions to scheme
02/02/2022 |
2021-01-06 - email chain regarding revisions to scheme
02/02/2022 |
2021-01-07 - RG-EP chasing HPBC-RS for response to email 06-01-2020
02/02/2022 |
2021-01-13 - EP-RG further chasing HPBC-RS for response to email 06-01-2020
02/02/2022 |
2021-01-19 - email chain following info supplied 06-01-2021
02/02/2022 |
2021-01-21 - EP-RG to HPBC chain chasing info on LPA website
02/02/2022 |
2021-02-15 - EP-RG to HPBC re planning committee
02/02/2022 |
2021-02-24 - EP-RG to HPBC chasing progress
02/02/2022 |
2021-03-01 - EP-BP to HPBC re housing mix
02/02/2022 |
2021-03-12 - EP-RG to HPBC querying why not on March committee
02/02/2022 |
Appellants appeal correspondence and 2021-03-23 - EP email to HPBC & PINS re intention to submit appeal
10/02/2022 |
Council Letter to Planning Inspectorate dated 10.02.22
11/02/2022 |
Appellant's 3272745 - Landscape Appeal Statement with appendices (M3414-LS-21.07-V2)
01/03/2022 |
Appellant's Appeal Statement
01/03/2022 |
Appellant's Appeal Statement Appendices
01/03/2022 |
Planning Inspectorate's letter to Rawdon Gascoinge
01/03/2022 |
Applicant - Andrew Baker Witness Statement final
01/03/2022 |
Appellant 1609 Andrew Baker Witness Statement final
07/03/2022 |
Council's Landscape Statement Rev A
08/03/2022 |
Council - Mansell v Tonbridge & Malling [2017] EWCA Civ 1314
08/03/2022 |
Council - Hillside Parks Ltd v Snowdonia National Park Authority [2021] JPL 698 CA
08/03/2022 |
Council - 19th April 2021 DC Committee Presentation 19.04.21
08/03/2022 |
Council - Tewkesbury BC v SSHCLG [2021] EWHC 2782 (Admin) - 5YS
08/03/2022 |
Council - Long Lane Appeal Decision
08/03/2022 |
Council - Manchester Road, Tunstead Milton, High Peak
08/03/2022 |
Council - LPA legal submissions
08/03/2022 |
Council - Landscape_Impact_Assessment Wardell Armstrong
08/03/2022 |
411179 22 P7 Typical 4 Bed House Type B-1.0-For Submission
08/03/2022 |
42028R1 Taxal Edge Resi, Whaley Bridge P1 Iss RevA - Ground cond - reduced_Part1
08/03/2022 |
42028R1 Taxal Edge Resi, Whaley Bridge P1 Iss RevA - Ground cond - reduced_Part2
08/03/2022 |
42028R1 Taxal Edge Resi, Whaley Bridge P1 Iss RevA - Ground cond - reduced_Part3
08/03/2022 |
Appeal Taxal Edge Document Library HPBC
09/03/2022 |
D1.1 Planning, Design and Access Statement (Emery Planning, July 2020)
09/03/2022 |
D1.2 Site Location Plan (TADW drawing no. 411179 10 P4
09/03/2022 |
D1.3 Existing Site Plan (TADW drawing no. 411179 19 P4
09/03/2022 |
D1.4 Proposed Site Plan (TADW drawing no. 411179 20 P14
09/03/2022 |
D1.5 House Type A - Floor Plans and Elevations (TADW drawing no. 411179 21 P8
09/03/2022 |
D1.6 House Type B - Floor Plans and Elevations (TADW drawing no. 411179 22 P7
09/03/2022 |
D1.7 House Type C - Floor Plans and Elevations (TADW drawing no. 411179 23 P7
09/03/2022 |
D1.8 Garage Plan - Floor Plan and Elevations (TADW drawing no. 411179 24 P3
09/03/2022 |
D1.9 Landscape Works - General Arrangement Plan (The Plant Room drawing no. PR/0/GC04/GA/01
09/03/2022 |
D1.10 Street scene images 1
09/03/2022 |
D1.10 Street scene images 2
09/03/2022 |
D1.10 Street scene images 3
09/03/2022 |
D1.11 Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey Report (NLG, April 2020)
09/03/2022 |
D1.12 Phase 1 Site Investigation Report (Peak Environmental, May 2020)
09/03/2022 |
D1.13 Arboricultural Report - Tree Condition Update (Thompson Tree Services, June 2020
09/03/2022 |
D2.1 Report to Development Control Committee 19.4.21
09/03/2022 |
D2.2 Update sheet to Development Control Committee 19.4.21
09/03/2022 |
D2.3 Development Control Committee Presentation (Taxal Edge) 19.4.21
09/03/2022 |
D2.4 Decision Notice
09/03/2022 |
D2.5 Council Landscape Statement March 2022
09/03/2022 |
D2.6 Council Legal Submissions March 2022
09/03/2022 |
D2.7 Council Building Control Record September 2011
09/03/2022 |
D2.8 Approved Inspector Building Control Record July 2016 - Client Letter
09/03/2022 |
D2.8 Approved Inspector Building Control Record July 2016 - Initial Notice
09/03/2022 |
D2.8 Approved Inspector Building Control Record July 2016 - Verbal Confirmation Letter
09/03/2022 |
D2.8 Approved Inspector Building Control Record July 2016 Receipt
09/03/2022 |
D2.9 Council Landscape Statement (Additional Views) March 2022
09/03/2022 |
D2.10 Council Letter to Planning Inspectorate 10th February 2022
09/03/2022 |
D2.11 Derbyshire Wildlife Trust Statement March 2022
09/03/2022 |
D2.12 Council Appeal Scheme Planning Balance
09/03/2022 |
D3.1 Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017
09/03/2022 |
D3.2 BS 42020:2013 Biodiversity. Code of practice for planning and development
09/03/2022 |
D3.3 CIEEM advice note on lifespan of ecological data
09/03/2022 |
D4.1 Appeal form
09/03/2022 |
D4.2 Appellant's Statement of Case April 2021
09/03/2022 |
D4.3 Appellant Document List April 2021
09/03/2022 |
D4.4 Appellant's Statement of Case July 2021
09/03/2022 |
D4.5 Appendices to Appeal Statement
09/03/2022 |
D4.6 Landscape Appeal Statement July 2021
09/03/2022 |
D4.7 Hearing Statement on Ecology (Andrew Baker) March 2022
09/03/2022 |
D4.8 Amended appeal form April 2021
09/03/2022 |
D4.9 Notice under Articles 13 and 36
09/03/2022 |
D4.10 Letter to landowner February 2022
09/03/2022 |
D4.11 Landowner letter of support March 2022
09/03/2022 |
D4.12 Confirmation of ecologist's assessment of trees (Andrew Baker) March 2022
09/03/2022 |
D5.1 Submitted 20 August 2020 -Bat Survey by NLG Ecology Ltd dated August 2020 (ref: V1)
09/03/2022 |
D5.2 Site sections (drawing no. 411179-25-P1)
09/03/2022 |
D5.3 a Landscape Design Statement by The Plant Room dated October 2020
09/03/2022 |
D5.3 b Proposed Landscape works plan by The Plant Room (drawing no. PR/20/GC04/GA/01 Rev A)
09/03/2022 |
D5.3 c Site sections (drawing no. 41179-25-P2)
09/03/2022 |
D5.4 d Tree Schedule / Tree Constraints Plan / Arboricultural Impact Assessment by Thomson Tree Services dated November 2020
09/03/2022 |
D5.3 e Arboricultural Method Statement & Tree Protection Plan by Thomson Tree Services dated November 2020
09/03/2022 |
D5.4 a Opinion of Jonathan Easton, Kings Chambers dated 30 September 2020
09/03/2022 |
D5.4 b Opinion of Jonathan Easton, Kings Chambers dated 4 November 2020
09/03/2022 |
D5.4 c Drone image taken December 2020
09/03/2022 |
D5.4 d Drone image with proposed development
09/03/2022 |
D5.4 e Birds-eye view cut out visual image
09/03/2022 |
D5.4 f Application form 2008
09/03/2022 |
D5.4 g Decision notice HPK/2008/0069 granted 28 March 2008
09/03/2022 |
D5.4 h Location plan 2008
09/03/2022 |
D5.4 i Location plan 2013
09/03/2022 |
D5.4 j Location plan stamped 2009
09/03/2022 |
D5.5 Letter to HPBC dated 1 March 2021 addressing housing mix types
09/03/2022 |
D6.1 High Peak Local Plan April 2016 Part 1
09/03/2022 |
D6.1 High Peak Local Plan April 2016 Part 2
09/03/2022 |
D6.1 High Peak Local Plan April 2016 Part 3
09/03/2022 |
D6.2 The Landscape Character Supplementary Planning Document (March 2006)
09/03/2022 |
D6.3 High Peak Borough Council Adopted Residential Design Guide (December 2005)
09/03/2022 |
D6.4 High Peak Borough Council High Peak Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (February 2018)
09/03/2022 |
D6.5 Council's High Peak Local Plan Landscape Impact Assessment 2014
09/03/2022 |
D6.6 National Design Guide 2021
09/03/2022 |
D7.1 2020-07-26 - HPBC acknowledgment HPK-2020-0301
09/03/2022 |
D7.2 2020-07-30 - HPBC validation Letter Agent - App ref HPK20200301
09/03/2022 |
D7.3 2020-08-03 - EP to HPBC-RS re officer report
09/03/2022 |
D7.4 2020-08-17 - EP to HPBC re comment by Mr & Mrs Whittel in public domain
09/03/2022 |
D7.5 2020-08-18 - HPBC response to comment by Mr & Mrs Whittel in public domain
09/03/2022 |
D7.6 2020-09-01 - email chain re consultee responses and extension time
09/03/2022 |
D7.7 2020-09-02 - email chain re extension time and fallback assessment by LPA and committee
09/03/2022 |
D7.8 2020-09-07 - BP to HPBC re comments by Cllr Thomson
09/03/2022 |
D7.9 2020-09-18 - EP response to HPBC re fallback (Cllr Thomson comments)
09/03/2022 |
D7.10 2020-09-21 - EP to HPBC responding re implementation of permissions
09/03/2022 |
D7.11 2020-09-21 - issue of TPO
09/03/2022 |
D7.12 2020-09-28 - EP to HPBC re officer recommendation to refuse
09/03/2022 |
D7.13 2020-09-30 - EP to HPBC re consultee comments in officer report
09/03/2022 |
D7.14 2020-09-30 - HPBC response re officer report & EP confirmation not withdrawing application
09/03/2022 |
D7.15 2020-10-01 - EP to HPBC submitting Opinion Sept 2020
09/03/2022 |
D7.16 2020-10-02 - extension time and deferral from committee
09/03/2022 |
D7.17 2020-10-21 - chasing response re meeting re trees & landscaping & feedback on opinion
09/03/2022 |
D7.17 2020-10-28 - EP extension time request
09/03/2022 |
D7.18 2020-10-28 - EP response to HPBC - Rachel Simpkin email
09/03/2022 |
D7.19 2020-10-30 - BP response to HPBC re November committee
09/03/2022 |
D7.20 2020-10-30 - email chain re uploading docs and planning committee
09/03/2022 |
D7.21 2020-10-30 - EP (BP) response re extant permissions
09/03/2022 |
D7.22 2020-11-03 - EP-BP to HPBC-RS re tree report
09/03/2022 |
D7.23 2020-11-05 - EP-BP to LPA with opinion of Nov 2020
09/03/2022 |
D7.24 2020-11-06 - BP email to LPA re opinions - site history - treatment of info
09/03/2022 |
D7.24 2020-11-06 - letter including opinions to committee members
09/03/2022 |
D7.25 2020-11-09 - email to LPA with committee speech
09/03/2022 |
D7.26 2020-11-09 - to LPA requesting meeting
09/03/2022 |
D7.27 2020-11-06 - BP email to LPA re opinions - site history - treatment of info
09/03/2022 |
D7.27 2020-11-06 - letter including opinions to committee members
09/03/2022 |
D7.28 2020-11-11 - email to LPA chasing meeting
09/03/2022 |
D7.29 2020-11-11 - emails with LPA arranging meeting
09/03/2022 |
D7.29 2020-11-11 - emails with LPA re meeting dates
09/03/2022 |
D7.30 2020-11-17 - email to HPBC with info for meeting
09/03/2022 |
D7.31 2020-11-25 - EP-BP without prejudice response to HPBC with revised sketch
09/03/2022 |
D7.32 2020-11-25 - LPA chasing revised sketch & agreed extension time
09/03/2022 |
D7.33 2020-12-01 - EP-BP to HPBC chasing response on revised sketch
09/03/2022 |
D7.34 2020-12-07 - EP-BP further chasing response
09/03/2022 |
D7.35 2021-01-06 - email chain regarding revisions to scheme
09/03/2022 |
D7.36 2021-01-07 - RG-EP chasing HPBC-RS for response to email 06-01-2020
09/03/2022 |
D7.37 2021-01-13 - EP-RG further chasing HPBC-RS for response to email
09/03/2022 |
D7.37 06-01-2020 2021-01-19 - email chain following info supplied 06-01-2021
09/03/2022 |
D7.38 2021-01-21 - EP-RG to HPBC chain chasing info on LPA website
09/03/2022 |
D7.39 2021-01-07 - RG-EP chasing HPBC-RS for response to email 06-01-2020
09/03/2022 |
D7.40 021-02-15 - EP-RG to HPBC re planning committee
09/03/2022 |
D7.41 2021-02-24 - EP-RG to HPBC chasing progress
09/03/2022 |
D7.42 2021-03-01 - EP-BP to HPBC re housing mix
09/03/2022 |
D7.43 2021-03-12 - EP-RG to HPBC querying why not on March committee
09/03/2022 |
D7.44 2021-03-23 - EP email to HPBC & PINS re intention to submit appeal
09/03/2022 |
D8.1 a HPK/2008/0069 Application Form, Location Plan 1 and Location Plan 2
09/03/2022 |
D8.1 b HPK/2008/0069 Decision Notice
09/03/2022 |
D8.2 a HPK/2009/0689 Location Plan
09/03/2022 |
D8.2 b HPK/2009/0689 Site Plan 1
09/03/2022 |
D8.2 c HPK/2009/0689 Site Plan 2
09/03/2022 |
D8.2 d HPK/2009/0689 10/358/01A
09/03/2022 |
D8.3 e HPK/2009/0689 09/358/02A
09/03/2022 |
D8.2 f HPK/2009/0689 10/358/03A
09/03/2022 |
D8.9 g HPK/2009/0689 10/358/04A
09/03/2022 |
D8.2 h HPK/2009/0689 10/358/05A
09/03/2022 |
D8.2 i HPK/2009/0689 10/358/06A
09/03/2022 |
D8.2 j HPK/2009/0689 10/358/07
09/03/2022 |
D8.2 k HPK/2009/0689 09/358/08
09/03/2022 |
D8.2 l HPK/2009/0689 09/358/6 MISSING
09/03/2022 |
D8.2 m HPK/2009/0689 09/358/09A
09/03/2022 |
D8.2 n HPK/2009/0689 Tree Protection Plan South
09/03/2022 |
D8.2 o HPK/2009/0689 Tree Constraints Plan North
09/03/2022 |
D8.2 p HPK/2009/0689 Design and Access Statement
09/03/2022 |
D8.2 q HPK/2009/0689 Tree Appraisal
09/03/2022 |
D8.2 r HPK/2009/0689 Delegated Report
09/03/2022 |
D8.2 s HPK/2009/0689 Decision Notice
09/03/2022 |
D8.3 t HPK/2009/0689 HPBC Condition Discharge Letter 19.12.12
09/03/2022 |
D8.2 u HPK/2009/0689 HPBC Condition Discharge Letter 15.04.13
09/03/2022 |
D8.3 a HPK/2013/0503 Location Plan
09/03/2022 |
D8.3 b HPK/2013/0503 Site Plan
09/03/2022 |
D8.3 c HPK/2013/0503 13/382/01A Rev A
09/03/2022 |
D8.3 d HPK/2013/0503 13/382/02A
09/03/2022 |
D8.3 e HPK/2013/0503 13/382/03
09/03/2022 |
D8.3f HPK/2013/0503 13/382/04
09/03/2022 |
D8.3 g HPK/2013/0503 13/382/05
09/03/2022 |
D8.3 h HPK/2013/0503 13/382/06
09/03/2022 |
D8.3 i HPK/2013/0503 13/382/07A
09/03/2022 |
D8.3 j HPK/2013/0503 13/382/09
09/03/2022 |
D8.3 k HPK/2013/0503 13/382/010
09/03/2022 |
D8.3 l HPK/2013/0503 lDocument 4
09/03/2022 |
D8.3 m HPK/2013/0503 Delegated Report
09/03/2022 |
D8.3 n HPK/2013/0503 Decision Notice
09/03/2022 |
D9.1 R (Mansell) v Tonbridge & Malling BC [2017] EWCA Civ 131
09/03/2022 |
D9.2 Hillside Parks Ltd v Snowdonia National Park Authority [2020] EWCA Civ 1440
09/03/2022 |
D9.3 Tewksbury BC v SSHCLG (2021) EWHC 2782 (Admin)
09/03/2022 |
D9.4 Appeal Ref. APP/H1033/W/15/3136353 Land off Long Lane, Chapel en le Frith
09/03/2022 |
D9.5 Appeal ref. APP/1033/W/16/3147726 Manchester Road Tunstead Milton
09/03/2022 |
D9.6 R (Mansell) v Tonbridge & Malling BC [2016] EWHC 2832 (Admin)
09/03/2022 |
D9.7 Corbett, R (On the Application Of) v The Cornwall Council [2021] EWHC 1114 (Admin) (30 April 2021)
09/03/2022 |
D10.1 General Statement of Common Ground 11th March 2020
05/10/2022 |
Consultation Response Env Health
07/02/2023 |
Appeal Decision
07/02/2023 |
Appeal Decision Cover Letter