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Planning application details

This page displays details of the selected application and its progress. The information and images are retrieved from the Council's Planning database. The scanning process takes place after the application has been validated, hence images for recent applications may not yet be displayed.

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Please Note : The End of Public Consultation period date is based on the earliest date a decision can be made following public consultation on an application. This date is a live field and is updated throughout the application stage based on consultations, revised consultations, site notices and press advertisement dates, where required. Therefore this date is subject to change and if you are unsure or require further information you are advised to check with the Case Officer.

Application Details
Application number HPK/2020/0261 Application type Reserved Matters - Small-scale MAJOR apps
Site address Land Surrounding Alders Meadow, Buxton Road, Chinley, Derbyshire, Proposal Reserved Matters application for Access, Appearance, landscaping, layout and scale in relation to HPK/2016/0692
Applicant name Nigel Bennett

Johnnie Johnson Housing Trust
Agent name Mr Paul Jeffrey

Bowker Sadler Partnership Ltd
Applicant address Spinners Lane, Poynton, Cheshire, SK12 1GA Agent address Hatherlow House, Hatherlow, Romiley, Stockport, SK6 3DY
Application status RM-APP
Received date 07/07/2020 Valid date 13/07/2020
Fee due 11550.00 Fee paid 11550.00
Determination required date 12/10/2020 Agreed extended date 23/12/2020
Case Officer Faye Plant
Start of Public Consultation period 20/07/2020 End of Public Consultation period 06/10/2020
Referred to Secretary of State date Referral expiry date
Decision by Planning Committee Committee date 09/11/2020
Decision Reserved Matters - Approved Decision Date 23/12/2020
Temp permission expiry date Permission expiry date 23/12/2023
Legal Obligation ref.

Name Address
County Planning (Highways) Highways Section, County Hall, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3AG
Chinley Brownside & Buxworth PC Parish Room, 3 Lower Lane, Chinley, High Peak, SK23 6BE
County Planning (Dev Control) Environmental Services DCC, Shand House, Dale Road South, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3RY
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust Sandy Hill, Main Street, Middleton, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 4LR
Severn Trent Water Ltd Operations Management Ltd, Asset Protection (Waste Water) East, Leicester Water Centre, Gorse Hill, Leicester, LE7 7GU
Network Rail Town Planning Team, Square One, 4 Travis Street, Manchester, M1 2NY
Natural England EMPlanning, Block 6 & 7, Government Buildings, Chalfont Drive, Nottingham, NG8 3SN
HPBC Environmental Health Town Hall, Buxton,
HPBC Arboricultural Officer Arboricultural Officer, Town Hall, Buxton,
HPBC Operational Services (Parks/Open Space/Hort)
HPBC Operational Services (Leisure / Recreation)
HPBC Regeneration - Planning Policy Moorlands house, Leek,
HPBC Regeneration - Economic Development Moorlands House, Leek,
HPBC Housing Strategy
HPBC Building Control Section Structural Engineer, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK13 6EL
HPBC Conservation Conservation Officer, Buxton,
Cllr Edith Longden Blackwood Ward,
Cllr Eve Burton Blackwood Ward,
County Planning (Flood Risk Management)
County Planning (Highways) Highways Section, County Hall, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3AG
County Planning (Flood Risk Management)
County Planning (Dev Control) Environmental Services DCC, Shand House, Dale Road South, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3RY
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust Sandy Hill, Main Street, Middleton, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 4LR
Severn Trent Water Ltd Operations Management Ltd, Asset Protection (Waste Water) East, Leicester Water Centre, Gorse Hill, Leicester, LE7 7GU
Network Rail Town Planning Team, Square One, 4 Travis Street, Manchester, M1 2NY
Natural England EMPlanning, Block 6 & 7, Government Buildings, Chalfont Drive, Nottingham, NG8 3SN
HPBC Conservation Conservation Officer, Buxton,
HPBC Environmental Health Town Hall, Buxton,
HPBC Arboricultural Officer Arboricultural Officer, Town Hall, Buxton,
HPBC Operational Services (Parks/Open Space/Hort)
HPBC Operational Services (Leisure / Recreation)
HPBC Regeneration - Planning Policy Moorlands house, Leek,
HPBC Regeneration - Economic Development Moorlands House, Leek,
HPBC Housing Strategy
HPBC Building Control Section Structural Engineer, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK13 6EL
The Owner / Occupier 1, ALDERS LANE, CHINLEY, SK23 6DW
The Owner / Occupier 2, Alders Lane, Chinley, SK23 6DW
The Owner / Occupier 3, ALDERS LANE, CHINLEY, SK23 6DW
The Owner / Occupier 4, ALDERS LANE, CHINLEY, SK23 6DW
The Owner / Occupier 5, ALDERS LANE, CHINLEY, SK23 6DW
The Owner / Occupier 6, ALDERS LANE, CHINLEY, SK23 6DW
The Owner / Occupier 7, ALDERS LANE, CHINLEY, SK23 6DW
The Owner / Occupier 8, ALDERS LANE, CHINLEY, SK23 6DW
The Owner / Occupier 56, BUXTON ROAD, CHINLEY, SK23 6ES
The Owner / Occupier 48, BUXTON ROAD, CHINLEY, SK23 6DJ
The Owner / Occupier 49, BUXTON ROAD, CHINLEY, SK23 6ES
The Owner / Occupier 50, BUXTON ROAD, CHINLEY, SK23 6DJ
The Owner / Occupier 51, BUXTON ROAD, CHINLEY, SK23 6ES
The Owner / Occupier 52, BUXTON ROAD, CHINLEY, SK23 6ES
The Owner / Occupier 53, BUXTON ROAD, CHINLEY, SK23 6ES
The Owner / Occupier 54, BUXTON ROAD, CHINLEY, SK23 6ES
The Owner / Occupier 55, BUXTON ROAD, CHINLEY, SK23 6ES
The Owner / Occupier 58, BUXTON ROAD, CHINLEY, SK23 6ES
The Owner / Occupier 22, PIKE VIEW CLOSE, CHINLEY, SK23 6EF
The Owner / Occupier 24, PIKE VIEW CLOSE, CHINLEY, SK23 6EF
The Owner / Occupier 26, PIKE VIEW CLOSE, CHINLEY, SK23 6EF
The Owner / Occupier 28, PIKE VIEW CLOSE, CHINLEY, SK23 6EF
The Owner / Occupier 1, ALDERS MEADOW, CHINLEY, SK23 6EN
The Owner / Occupier 2, ALDERS MEADOW, CHINLEY, SK23 6EN
The Owner / Occupier 3, ALDERS MEADOW, CHINLEY, SK23 6EN
The Owner / Occupier 4, ALDERS MEADOW, CHINLEY, SK23 6EN
The Owner / Occupier 5, ALDERS MEADOW, CHINLEY, SK23 6EN
The Owner / Occupier 6, ALDERS MEADOW, CHINLEY, SK23 6EN
The Owner / Occupier 7, ALDERS MEADOW, CHINLEY, SK23 6EN
The Owner / Occupier 8, ALDERS MEADOW, CHINLEY, SK23 6EN
The Owner / Occupier 9, ALDERS MEADOW, CHINLEY, SK23 6EN
The Owner / Occupier 10, ALDERS MEADOW, CHINLEY, SK23 6EN

Attachments - Click the Description to view the attachment in a new window.
Date Description
20/07/2020 1000 - Location Plan
20/07/2020 1001 - Topographical Survey
20/07/2020 1002 - Proposed Site Plan
20/07/2020 1003 - Proposed Site Roof Plan
20/07/2020 1005 - Proposed Boundary Treatments
20/07/2020 1010 - Block 1 Plans and Elevations.
20/07/2020 1011 - Block 2 Plans and Elevations
20/07/2020 1012 - Block 3 Plans and Elevations
20/07/2020 1013 - Block 4 Plans and Elevations
20/07/2020 1014 - Block 5 Plans and Elevations
20/07/2020 1015 - Block 6 Plans and Elevations
20/07/2020 1016 - Block 7 Plans and Elevations
20/07/2020 1017 - Block 8 Plans and Elevations.
20/07/2020 1018 - Block 9 Plans and Elevations
20/07/2020 1019 - Block 10 Plans and Elevations
20/07/2020 1020 - Block 11 Plans and Elevations
20/07/2020 1061 - Street View from Buxton Road
20/07/2020 1062 - Detail Street View from buxton Road
20/07/2020 1070 - Design and Access Statement
20/07/2020 31006-SUT-ZZ-XX-DR-C-6015-0001-P03 Proposed External Levels
20/07/2020 31006-SUT-ZZ-XX-DR-C-6020-0001-P03 Indicative Drainage-
20/07/2020 Acoustic Report - NM1207191NR
20/07/2020 Affordable Housing Statement.
20/07/2020 Application Form
20/07/2020 Drainage Strategy and Flood Risk Assessment - 31006_Drainage Strategy_002_With Appendices
20/07/2020 Energy Statement - Buxton Road-AG-73659-LZCR-Rev A
20/07/2020 Landscape Detailed Planting - 257-02B Detailed Planting Prps
20/07/2020 Landscape GA - 257-01C Landscape GA
20/07/2020 Phase 2 Report - GIR
20/07/2020 Transport - S278 General Arrangmenet Plan - 3018-D001 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT-SIGNS and MARKINGS
20/07/2020 Transport - Swept Path Analysis - 3018-SP01 REV A
20/07/2020 Transport - Visibility Plan - 3018-01 REV A
03/08/2020 internal response arboriculture
04/08/2020 consultation response network rail
05/08/2020 public comment m nasimi
07/08/2020 consultation response natural england
10/08/2020 consultation response severn trent water
14/08/2020 consultation response united utilities
15/08/2020 public comment r bellord & j radley
15/08/2020 public comment e roberts
17/08/2020 residents comments via cllr e burton
19/08/2020 public comment l mackey
24/08/2020 consultation response derbyshire wildlife trust
15/09/2020 Consultation Response DCC Highways
16/09/2020 Consultation Response DCC Urban Design
22/09/2020 1005 - Proposed Boundary Treatments
22/09/2020 1002 - Proposed Site Plan.
22/09/2020 1003 - Proposed Site Roof Plan
22/09/2020 1006 - Proposed Site Plan West
22/09/2020 1007 - Proposed Site Plan East.
22/09/2020 1014 - Block 5 Plans and Elevations
22/09/2020 1020 - Block 11 Plans and Elevations
22/09/2020 Consultation Response DCC LLFA
24/09/2020 Consultation Response Natural England
28/09/2020 Consultation Response Chinley, Buxworth & Brownside Parish Council
01/10/2020 Consultation Response DCC Policy
02/10/2020 public comment melinda nasimi
06/10/2020 DTS Ph 1
06/10/2020 internal consultation Conservation
22/10/2020 Consultation Response Flood Risk Management Team
22/10/2020 consultation response network rail 2
24/10/2020 257-01D Landscape GA-A0
24/10/2020 257-02C Detailed Planting Prps-A0
26/10/2020 Consultation Response HPBC REgeneration service
27/10/2020 Consultation response AES Waste
27/10/2020 Consultation response HPBC Tree Officer.
27/10/2020 internal consultation waste
28/10/2020 consultation response derbyshire wildlife trust (2)
04/11/2020 consultation response dcc highways (2).
09/11/2020 internal consultation Environmental Health
20/11/2020 Consultation response HPBC Environmental Health
16/12/2020 Consultation response DCC Highways
16/12/2020 Consultation response DCC Highways 4
21/12/2020 1002 - Proposed Site Plan
21/12/2020 1007 - Proposed Site Plan East
23/12/2020 Decision