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Planning application details

This page displays details of the selected application and its progress. The information and images are retrieved from the Council's Planning database. The scanning process takes place after the application has been validated, hence images for recent applications may not yet be displayed.

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Please Note : The End of Public Consultation period date is based on the earliest date a decision can be made following public consultation on an application. This date is a live field and is updated throughout the application stage based on consultations, revised consultations, site notices and press advertisement dates, where required. Therefore this date is subject to change and if you are unsure or require further information you are advised to check with the Case Officer.

Application Details
Application number HPK/2016/0488 Application type Reserved Matters - Large-scale MAJOR apps
Site address Rear of, Hallsteads, Dove Holes, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 8DU Proposal Application for approval of reserved matters pursuant to outline planning permissions relating to HPK/2013/0319 & HPK/2013/0625 for 'Phase two' and 'Phase 3' - 81 dwellings
Applicant name Mr Hopkins

Hopwood Homes Ltd
Agent name Mr Michael Green

Michael Green Planning Services
Applicant address Agent address Iona, Rowland, Bakewell, DE45 1NQ
Application status Consultations/Re-consultations issued
Received date 23/08/2016 Valid date 02/09/2016
Fee due 22844.00 Fee paid 22844.00
Determination required date 02/12/2016 Agreed extended date 25/10/2019
Case Officer Ben Haywood
Start of Public Consultation period 09/09/2016 End of Public Consultation period 06/10/2016
Referred to Secretary of State date Referral expiry date
Decision by Planning Committee Committee date 23/01/2017
Decision Reserved Matters - Approved Decision Date 25/10/2019
Temp permission expiry date Permission expiry date 24/10/2022
Legal Obligation ref.

Name Address
County Planning (Archaeology) Steve Baker- DC Archaeologist, Conservation And Design Group, Environmental Services DCC, Shand House, Dale Road South, Matlock Derbyshire`, DE4 3RY
DCC Principle Planner
County Flood Risk Management
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust Sandy Hill, Main Street, Middleton, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 4LR
County Planning (Rights Of Way) FAO: Rights of Way Officer, Environmental Services Department, Derbyshire County Council, Shand House, Dale Road South, Matlock, DE4 3RY
Environment Agency HPBC Lower Trent Area, Trentside Offices,, Scarrington Rd, West Bridgford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 5FA
Peak & Northern Footpaths Society 317 Prince of Wales Road, Sheffield, S2 1FJ
Environmental Health Town Hall, Buxton,
Strategic Housing Town Hall, Buxton,
Planning Policy And Design Municipal Buildings, Glossop,
Ramblers Association 6 Castleton Drive, High Lane, Stockport, SK6 8DF
Parks Department Arboricultural Officer, Monica Gillespie, Council Offices, Chinley,
The Owner / Occupier 4, WALKER BROW, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DY
The Owner / Occupier 114, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 1, BEELOW CLOSE, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BX
The Owner / Occupier 3, BEELOW CLOSE, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BX
The Owner / Occupier 5, BEELOW CLOSE, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BX
The Owner / Occupier 62, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 64, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 70, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 72, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 74, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 76, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 78, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 80, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 82, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 84, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 86, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 88, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 112, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 116, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 118, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 120, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 122, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 124, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 126, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 128, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 130, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 132, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 134, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 136, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 138, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 140, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 142, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 144, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 146, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 6, WAINS CLOSE, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DX
The Owner / Occupier 10, WAINS CLOSE, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DX
The Owner / Occupier 4, WAINS CLOSE, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DX
The Owner / Occupier 9, WALKER BROW, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DY
The Owner / Occupier 11, WALKER BROW, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DY
The Owner / Occupier 7, WAINS CLOSE, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DX
The Owner / Occupier 9, WAINS CLOSE, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DX
The Owner / Occupier 8, WAINS CLOSE, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DX
The Owner / Occupier 3, WAINS CLOSE, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DX
The Owner / Occupier 5, WAINS CLOSE, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DX
The Owner / Occupier 7, WALKER BROW, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DY
The Owner / Occupier 58, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 60, HALLSTEADS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BT
The Owner / Occupier 1, WAINS CLOSE, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DX
The Owner / Occupier 2, WAINS CLOSE, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DX
The Owner / Occupier 1, WALKER BROW, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DY
The Owner / Occupier 3, WALKER BROW, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DY
The Owner / Occupier 11, WAINS CLOSE, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DX
The Owner / Occupier 12, WAINS CLOSE, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DX
The Owner / Occupier 5, WALKER BROW, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DY
The Owner / Occupier 1, BEAUMONT DRIVE, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BB
The Owner / Occupier 2, BEAUMONT DRIVE, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8BB
The Owner / Occupier 1, THE MEADOWS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DU
The Owner / Occupier 2, THE MEADOWS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DU
The Owner / Occupier 4, THE MEADOWS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DU
The Owner / Occupier 6, THE MEADOWS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DU
The Owner / Occupier 8, THE MEADOWS, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DU
The Owner / Occupier 2, WALKER BROW, DOVE HOLES, SK17 8DY
Cllr Daren Robins Limestone Peak Ward,
Cllr Daren Robins Limestone Peak Ward ,

Attachments - Click the Description to view the attachment in a new window.
Date Description
09/09/2016 Application Form
09/09/2016 Covering Letter
09/09/2016 Design & Access Statement
09/09/2016 Landscape & Planting Maintenance
09/09/2016 Landscape & Planting Specification
09/09/2016 Landscaping Plan Phase 2 L558.54 Rev A
09/09/2016 Planning Statement
09/09/2016 Scheme A House Type B L558.21 Rev B
09/09/2016 Scheme A House Type C L558.22 Rev C
09/09/2016 Scheme A House Type D L558.23 Rev B
09/09/2016 Scheme A House Type F Semi-Detached L558.26 Rev C
09/09/2016 Scheme A House Type G L558.25 Rev B
09/09/2016 Scheme A House Type H L558.28 Rev B
09/09/2016 Scheme A House Type K L558.33
09/09/2016 Scheme A Typical Door Sections L558.61
09/09/2016 Scheme A Typical Window Sections L558.60
09/09/2016 Scheme Setting Out Site Plan Phase 2 L558.43 Rev A
13/09/2016 DCC Policy Comments
21/09/2016 Archaeology Comments
26/09/2016 E Marchington Objection
28/09/2016 R Howe Objection
28/09/2016 R & A Hoyle Objection
30/09/2016 Environment Agency's Comments
11/10/2016 DWT Comments
19/10/2016 Environmental Health Comments
24/10/2016 Highway Comments
03/11/2016 DCC Flood Risk Comments
14/12/2016 Consultation Response Highways
27/01/2017 Consultation Response Highways
25/10/2019 Decision notice
01/07/2020 L558 66 - HouseSettingOutPhaseOne