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Planning application details

This page displays details of the selected application and its progress. The information and images are retrieved from the Council's Planning database. The scanning process takes place after the application has been validated, hence images for recent applications may not yet be displayed.

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Please Note : The End of Public Consultation period date is based on the earliest date a decision can be made following public consultation on an application. This date is a live field and is updated throughout the application stage based on consultations, revised consultations, site notices and press advertisement dates, where required. Therefore this date is subject to change and if you are unsure or require further information you are advised to check with the Case Officer.

Application Details
Application number HPK/2013/0597 Application type Outline - Large-scale MAJOR apps
Site address Charlestown Works, Charlestown, Glossop, Derbyshire, SK13 8LJ Proposal Amended number of dwellings - Proposed demolition of existing structures & erection of up to 100 dwellings including 14 in the coversion of the former office building 1660m2 of B1 commercial floor space and including restoration of former mill pond are to create public open space.
Applicant name

Aitchison Raffety
Agent name Mr Phillip Smith

Brian Barber Associates
Applicant address Agent address The Granary, Spring Hill Office Park, Harborough Road, Pitsford, Northants, NN6 9AA
Application status Recommendation entered - Pending decision
Received date 25/10/2013 Valid date 30/10/2013
Fee due 11367.00 Fee paid 11367.00
Determination required date 29/01/2014 Agreed extended date
Case Officer Elizabeth Pleasant
Start of Public Consultation period 07/11/2013 End of Public Consultation period 19/12/2013
Referred to Secretary of State date Referral expiry date
Decision by Delegated Committee date
Decision Outline Application - Approved Decision Date 17/03/2014
Temp permission expiry date Permission expiry date 16/03/2017
Legal Obligation ref. HPK/2013/0597

Name Address
Director Of Education Derbyshire County Council, County Hall, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3AG
Cllr Colin Waude Howard Town Ward,
County Planning (Trees) Ruth Baker, Environmental Services DCC, Shand House, Dale Road South, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3RY
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust East Mill, Bridgefoot, Belper, Derbyshire, DE56 1XH
Environment Agency HPBC Lower Trent Area, Trentside Offices,, Scarrington Rd, West Bridgford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 5FA
Natural England EMPlanning, Block 6 & 7, Government Buildings, Chalfont Drive, Nottingham, NG8 3SN
Conservation Officer Municipal Buildings, Victoria Street, Glossop,
Environmental Health Town Hall, Buxton,
Planning Policy And Design Municipal Buildings, Glossop,
Parks Department Arboricultural Officer, Monica Gillespie, Council Offices, Chinley,
Sally Curley
County Planning (Archaeology) Steve Baker- DC Archaeologist, Conservation And Design Group, Environmental Services DCC, Shand House, Dale Road South, Matlock Derbyshire`, DE4 3RY
Mr John Walker
THE OWNER/OCCUPIER 116, Charlestown Road, Glossop, Derbyshire, SK13 8LB
THE OWNER/OCCUPIER 114, Charlestown Road, Glossop, Derbyshire, SK13 8LB
THE OWNER/OCCUPIER 122, Charlestown Road, Glossop, Derbyshire, SK13 8LB
THE OWNER/OCCUPIER 120, Lee Mount, Charlestown Road, Glossop, Derbyshire, SK13 LB
THE OWNER/OCCUPIER 44, Whitfield Cross, Glossop, Derbyshire, SK13 8NW
Cllr Godfrey Claff Howard Town Ward,
Daniel Bennett

Attachments - Click the Description to view the attachment in a new window.
Date Description
04/11/2013 131030 Arborticultural Impact Assessment & Method Statement Pt 1.
04/11/2013 131030 Arborticultural Impact Assessment & Method Statement Pt 2.
04/11/2013 131030 Bat Survey
04/11/2013 131030 Design & Access Statement Pt 1.
04/11/2013 131030 Design & Access Statement Pt 2
04/11/2013 131030 Design & Access Statement Pt 3.
04/11/2013 131030 Design & Access Statement Pt 4
04/11/2013 131030 Elevations Drg.12732 100 2 E.
04/11/2013 131030 Energy & Sustainability Statement.
04/11/2013 131030 Environmental Noise Assessment.
04/11/2013 131030 Flood Risk Assessment Pt 1
04/11/2013 131030 Flood Risk Assessment Pt
04/11/2013 131030 Flood Risk Assessment Pt 3
04/11/2013 131030 Flood Risk Assessment Pt 4
04/11/2013 131030 Flood Risk Assessment Pt 5
04/11/2013 131030 Flood Risk Assessment Pt 6.
04/11/2013 131030 Floor Plans Drg.12732 100 2 FP
04/11/2013 131030 Follow Up Ecological Assessment of Pond Area
04/11/2013 131030 FRA Appendix D Flood Risk Map Drg.002
04/11/2013 131030 FRA Appendix D Long Clough Beck Photography Location Plan Drg.12732 5002 15.
04/11/2013 131030 FRA Appendix D Topographical Survey 2D Drg.12732 100 2DT (9).P
04/11/2013 131030 FRA Appendix D Topographical Survey 2D Drg.12732 100 2DT (10)
04/11/2013 131030 FRA Appendix E Electric Records Plan
04/11/2013 131030 FRA Appendix E Original Survey & Existing Sewer Network Drg.12732 5002 11.
04/11/2013 131030 FRA Appendix E Original Survey & Existing Sewer Network Drg.12732 56002 12
04/11/2013 131030 FRA Appendix F Original Survey Showing Site Boundary & Ex Catchment 2 of2 Drg.12732 5002 03.
04/11/2013 131030 FRA Appendix F Original Survey Showing Site Boundary & Ex. Catchment 1 of 2 Drg.12732 5002 02.
04/11/2013 131030 FRA Appendix F Proposed Impermeable Areas Plan Drg.12732 5002 18
04/11/2013 131030 FRA Appendix G Constraints Plan 1 of 2 Drg.12732 5002 13 Rev A
04/11/2013 131030 FRA Appendix G Original Site Survey Showing EA Models Mode 1 of 4 Drg.12732 5002 07 Rev A
04/11/2013 131030 FRA Appendix G Original Site Survey Showing EA Node 3 of 4 Drg.12732 5002 09 Rev A.
04/11/2013 131030 FRA Appendix G Original Site SurveyShowing EA Model Node 2 of 4 Drg.12732 5002 08 Rev A.
04/11/2013 31030 GEO Concept Plan Drg.010 035 1
04/11/2013 131030 GEO Existing Site Layout Boundary Line over MEt Surv Plan Drg.12732 5002 GL 1
04/11/2013 131030 GEO Intrusive Investigation Location Plan Drg.12732 5002 G1-2.
04/11/2013 131030 Great Crested Newt Survey
04/11/2013 131030 Illustrative Site Plan Drg.0110152 G.
04/11/2013 131030 Initial Statutory Authorities Enquiries
04/11/2013 131030 Outline Method Statement for Bats Pt 1.
04/11/2013 131030 Outline Method Statement for Bats Pt 2
04/11/2013 131030 Phase I Habitat and Protected Fauna Survey
04/11/2013 131030 Phase II Geo Environmental Site Assessment Pt 1.
04/11/2013 131030 Phase II Geo Environmental Site Assessment Pt 2.
04/11/2013 131030 Phase II Geo Environmental Site Assessment Pt 3
04/11/2013 131030 Phase II Geo Environmental Site Assessment Pt 4
04/11/2013 131030 Phase II Geo Environmental Site Assessment Pt 5
04/11/2013 131030 Phase II Geo Environmental Site Assessment Pt 6.
04/11/2013 131030 Phase II Geo Environmental Site Assessment Pt 7.
04/11/2013 131030 Phase II Geo Environmental Site Assessment Pt 8.
04/11/2013 131030 Planning Statement.
04/11/2013 131030 Refuse Vehicular Tracking Drg.12732 5002 22 Rev B.
04/11/2013 131030 Refuse Vehicular Tracking Drg.12732-5002--2
04/11/2013 131030 Report Addendum.
04/11/2013 131030 Section Plan Drg.12732 100 2 S.
04/11/2013 131030 Site Entrance Improvement Works Drg.12732 5002 03 Rev D
04/11/2013 131030 Site Entrance Improvement Works Drg.12732 5002 19 Rev B
04/11/2013 131030 Site Entrance Improvements Drg.12732-5002-03D
04/11/2013 131030 Site Entrance Improvements Drg.12732-5002-19B.
04/11/2013 131030 Site Location Plan Drg.011 015 1B
04/11/2013 131030 Site Sections Drg.0110153 Rev.A.
04/11/2013 131030 Statement of Community Involvement.
04/11/2013 131030 Topiographical Survey 2D Drg.12732 100 2DT (2).
04/11/2013 131030 Topographical Survey 2D Drg.12732 100 2DT (1)
04/11/2013 131030 Topographical Survey 2D Drg.12732 100 2DT (3).
04/11/2013 131030 Topographical Survey 2D Drg.12732 100 2DT (4)
04/11/2013 131030 Topographical Survey 2D Drg.12732 100 2DT (5).
04/11/2013 131030 Topographical Survey 2D Drg.12732 100 2DT (6)
04/11/2013 131030 Topographical Survey 2D Drg.12732 100 2DT (7)
04/11/2013 131030 Topographical Survey 2D Drg.12732 100 2DT (8).
04/11/2013 131030 Transport Assessment & Travel Plan Framework Pt 1
04/11/2013 131030 Transport Assessment & Travel Plan Framework Pt 2.
04/11/2013 131030 Transport Assessment & Travel Plan Framework Pt 3
04/11/2013 131030 Transport Assessment & Travel Plan Framework Pt 4.
04/11/2013 131030 Travel Assessment Rev B Framework Travel Plan
04/11/2013 131030 Updated Cultural Heritage Desk Based Assessment & Historic Building Appraisal Pt 1
04/11/2013 131030 Updated Cultural Heritage Desk Based Assessment & Historic Building Appraisal Pt 2
04/11/2013 131030 Updated Cultural Heritage Desk Based Assessment & Historic Building Appraisal Pt 3.
04/11/2013 131030 Updated Cultural Heritage Desk Based Assessment & Historic Building Appraisal Pt 4.p
04/11/2013 131030 Updated Cultural Heritage Desk Based Assessment & Historic Building Appraisal Pt 5
05/11/2013 131030 Application Form
06/12/2013 131204 Site Entrance Improvement Works Drg.12732-5002 03 Rev G
06/12/2013 131204 Site Entrance Improvement Works Drg.12732-5002 19 Rev F
06/12/2013 131204 Site Entrance Improvement Works Drg.12732-5002 22 Rev B
27/01/2014 revised site plan_0110151C
17/03/2014 140317 decision notice unsigned
05/12/2022 Consultation Response Environmental Health