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Planning application details

This page displays details of the selected application and its progress. The information and images are retrieved from the Council's Planning database. The scanning process takes place after the application has been validated, hence images for recent applications may not yet be displayed.

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Please Note : The End of Public Consultation period date is based on the earliest date a decision can be made following public consultation on an application. This date is a live field and is updated throughout the application stage based on consultations, revised consultations, site notices and press advertisement dates, where required. Therefore this date is subject to change and if you are unsure or require further information you are advised to check with the Case Officer.

Application Details
Application number HPK/2013/0415 Application type Reserved Matters - Small-scale MAJOR apps
Site address Land to the South of, Carr Road, Buxton, Derbyshire, Proposal Application for Approval of Reserved Matters following Outline Approval forApplication HPK/2011/0088.
Applicant name Mr Simon Pote

Copperleaf (Buxton) Ltd & Woolford Land Ltd
Agent name Mr Dave McCall

OMI Architects
Applicant address Tyrherington Business Park, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2XA Agent address 31, Salford, Manchester, M3 7AQ
Application status Recommendation entered - Pending decision
Received date 18/07/2013 Valid date 18/07/2013
Fee due 0.00 Fee paid 0.00
Determination required date 17/10/2013 Agreed extended date
Case Officer Jane Colley
Start of Public Consultation period 25/07/2013 End of Public Consultation period 09/10/2013
Referred to Secretary of State date Referral expiry date
Decision by Planning Committee Committee date 30/09/2013
Decision Reserved Matters - Approved Decision Date 09/10/2013
Temp permission expiry date Permission expiry date
Legal Obligation ref.

Name Address
Derbyshire County Council (Highways) Highways Section, County Hall, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3AG
Cllr John Faulkener Burbage Ward,
County Planning(Minerals) Fao Minerals Section, Environmental Services, Shand House, Dale Road South, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3RY
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust East Mill, Bridgefoot, Belper, Derbyshire, DE56 1XH
English Heritage East Midlands Region (HPBC) 44, Derngate, Northampton, NN1 1UH
Environment Agency HPBC Lower Trent Area, Trentside Offices,, Scarrington Rd, West Bridgford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 5FA
County Planning (Rights Of Way) FAO: Rights of Way Officer, Environmental Services Department, Derbyshire County Council, Shand House, Dale Road South, Matlock, DE4 3RY
Severn Trent Water Ltd Operations Management Ltd, Asset Protection (Waste Water) East, Leicester Water Centre, Gorse Hill, Leicester, LE7 7GU
Environmental Health Town Hall, Buxton,
Parks Department Arboricultural Officer, Monica Gillespie, Council Offices, Chinley,
The Owner / Occupier 3, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 1, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 9, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 7, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 5, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 34, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 32, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 81, LEEK ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6UF
The Owner / Occupier 97, LEEK ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6UF
The Owner / Occupier 93, LEEK ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6UF
The Owner / Occupier 87, LEEK ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6UF
The Owner / Occupier 83, LEEK ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6UF
The Owner / Occupier 2, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 77, LEEK ROAD, BUXTON,
The Owner / Occupier 8, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 6, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 10, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 4, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 30, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 26, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 22, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 14, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 18, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 20, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 16, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 12, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 28, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 24, CARR ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6WF
The Owner / Occupier 1, WYATVILLE AVENUE, BUXTON, SK17 6WJ
The Owner / Occupier 2, WYATVILLE AVENUE, BUXTON, SK17 6WJ
The Owner / Occupier 95, LEEK ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6UF
The Owner / Occupier 91, LEEK ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6UF
The Owner / Occupier 89, LEEK ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6UF
The Owner / Occupier 85, LEEK ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6UF
The Owner / Occupier 79, LEEK ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6UF
The Owner / Occupier 99, LEEK ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6UF
The Owner / Occupier 103, LEEK ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6UF
The Owner / Occupier 101, LEEK ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 6UF
County Planning (Trees) Ruth Baker, Environmental Services DCC, Shand House, Dale Road South, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3RY

Attachments - Click the Description to view the attachment in a new window.
Date Description
24/07/2013 130718 Elevation to Carr Road Drg.L1600
24/07/2013 130718 Garage Elevations and Plan Drg.L1300
24/07/2013 130718 House Type 1100 Semi Detached Elevations Drg.L1201.
24/07/2013 130718 House Type 1300 Detached Elevations Drg.L1202
24/07/2013 130718 House Type 1300 Plans Drg.L1101
24/07/2013 130718 House Type 1300 Semi Detached Elevations Drg.L1203
24/07/2013 130718 House Type 1400 Detached Elevations Drg.L1204
24/07/2013 130718 House Type 1400 Plans Drg.L1102
24/07/2013 130718 House Type 1500 Detached Elevations Drg.L1205.
24/07/2013 130718 House Type 1500 Plans Drg.L1103
24/07/2013 130718 Proposed Roof Plan Drg.L1001
24/07/2013 130718 Proposed Site Plan Drg.L1000
24/07/2013 130718 Application Form NPD
24/07/2013 130718 Arboricultural Impact Assessment.
24/07/2013 130718 Design and Access Statement Part 1
24/07/2013 130718 Design and Access Statement Part 2.
24/07/2013 130718 Dry Stone Wall Detail Drg.L1400
24/07/2013 130718 Ecological Assessment
24/07/2013 130718 House Type 1100 Detached Elevations Drg.L1200.
24/07/2013 130718 House Type 1100 Plans Drg.L1100
24/07/2013 130718 Landscape Layout Drg.01 Rev C.
24/07/2013 130718 Landscape Visual Impact Assessment Part 1.
24/07/2013 130718 Landscape Visual Impact Assessment Part 2.
24/07/2013 130718 Noise Impact Assessment
24/07/2013 130718 Phase II Report Site Investigation Appendix A
24/07/2013 130718 Phase II Report Site Investigation Appendix B Pt 1.
24/07/2013 130718 Phase II Site Investigation Appendix B Pt 02
24/07/2013 130718 Phase II Site Investigation Appendix B Pt 03
24/07/2013 130718 Phase II Site Investigation Appendix B Pt 04.
24/07/2013 130718 Phase II Site Investigation Appendix B Pt 05
24/07/2013 130718 Phase II Site Investigation Appendix B Pt 06
24/07/2013 130718 Phase II Site Investigation Appendix C D E.
24/07/2013 130718 Planning Statement.
24/07/2013 130718 Planting Plan Drg.02 Rev B.
24/07/2013 130718 Proposed Plan of Parking Courtyard Drg.L1002
24/07/2013 130718 Rear Elevation to Footpath Drg.L1602.
24/07/2013 130718 Site Location Plan Drg.L0001
24/07/2013 130718 Site Section Elevation to Leek Road Drg.L1601
24/07/2013 130718 Technical Note
24/07/2013 130718 Topographical Land Survey Drg.S12 468
24/07/2013 130718 Utilities Report
09/10/2013 Unsigned decision notice