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Planning application details

This page displays details of the selected application and its progress. The information and images are retrieved from the Council's Planning database. The scanning process takes place after the application has been validated, hence images for recent applications may not yet be displayed.

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Please Note : The End of Public Consultation period date is based on the earliest date a decision can be made following public consultation on an application. This date is a live field and is updated throughout the application stage based on consultations, revised consultations, site notices and press advertisement dates, where required. Therefore this date is subject to change and if you are unsure or require further information you are advised to check with the Case Officer.

Application Details
Application number HPK/2012/0252 Application type Outline - Small-scale MAJOR apps
Site address Land to Rear of 72, Brown Edge Road, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 7AF Proposal Outline planning permission for construction of 21 Detached Dwellings Plus Highway & Associated External Work
Applicant name Mr Arthur Bell

Agent name

Paul Dinsdale Associates Ltd
Applicant address Holly Vale, Marple Bridge, Cheshire, SK6 5DQ Agent address 2nd Floor, 8 The Quadrant, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 6AW
Application status Consultations/Re-consultations issued
Received date 26/04/2012 Valid date 18/05/2012
Fee due 5025.00 Fee paid 5025.00
Determination required date 17/08/2012 Agreed extended date
Case Officer Anne Jordan
Start of Public Consultation period 24/05/2012 End of Public Consultation period 21/06/2012
Referred to Secretary of State date Referral expiry date
Decision by Planning Committee Committee date 06/08/2012
Decision Application Withdrawn Decision Date 03/08/2012
Temp permission expiry date Permission expiry date
Legal Obligation ref.

Name Address
United Utilities Asset Protection Ist Floor Thirlmere House, Lingley Mere, Lingley Green Avenue, Warrington, Cheshire, WA5 3LP
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust East Mill, Bridgefoot, Belper, Derbyshire, DE56 1XH
Strategic Housing Town Hall, Buxton,
Director Of Education Derbyshire County Council, County Hall, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3AG
Network Rail Town Planning Team, Square One, 4 Travis Street, Manchester, M1 2NY
Conservation Officer Municipal Buildings, Victoria Street, Glossop,
Planning Policy And Design Municipal Buildings, Glossop,
Parks Department Arboricultural Officer, Monica Gillespie, Council Offices, Chinley,
Environmental Health Town Hall, Buxton,
The Owner / Occupier 31, LADYCROFT AVENUE, BUXTON, SK17 7AQ
The Owner / Occupier 29, LADYCROFT AVENUE, BUXTON, SK17 7AQ
The Owner / Occupier 30, LADYCROFT AVENUE, BUXTON, SK17 7AQ
The Owner / Occupier 32, LADYCROFT AVENUE, BUXTON, SK17 7AQ
The Owner / Occupier 68, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AG
The Owner / Occupier 68A, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AG
The Owner / Occupier 66, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AG
The Owner / Occupier 59, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AG
The Owner / Occupier 57, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AG
The Owner / Occupier 72, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 70, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 61, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 108, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 106, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 104, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 102, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 5, NURSERY DRIVE, BUXTON, SK17 7AE
The Owner / Occupier 6, NURSERY DRIVE, BUXTON, SK17 7AE
The Owner / Occupier 1, NURSERY DRIVE, BUXTON, SK17 7AE
The Owner / Occupier 2, NURSERY DRIVE, BUXTON, SK17 7AE
The Owner / Occupier 1, LOWCROFT, BUXTON, SK17 7AD
The Owner / Occupier 2, LOWCROFT, BUXTON, SK17 7AD
The Owner / Occupier 122, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AB
The Owner / Occupier 118, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AB
The Owner / Occupier 114, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AB
The Owner / Occupier 110, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AB
The Owner / Occupier 112, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AB
The Owner / Occupier 124, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AB
The Owner / Occupier 120, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AB
The Owner / Occupier 116, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AB
The Owner / Occupier 100, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 80, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 78, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 75, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 81, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 98, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 96, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 94, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 92, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 90, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 88, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 86, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 83, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 82, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 79, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 77, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 76, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 74, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 73, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 71, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 69, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 67, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 65, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 63, BROWN EDGE ROAD, BUXTON, SK17 7AF
The Owner / Occupier 6, BROWN EDGE CLOSE, BUXTON, SK17 7AS
The Owner / Occupier 4, BROWN EDGE CLOSE, BUXTON, SK17 7AS
The Owner / Occupier 2, BROWN EDGE CLOSE, BUXTON, SK17 7AS
The Owner / Occupier 3, BROWN EDGE CLOSE, BUXTON, SK17 7AS
The Owner / Occupier 1, BROWN EDGE CLOSE, BUXTON, SK17 7AS
Cllr Linda Baldry Corbar Ward,
Cllr Tony Kemp Corbar Ward,

Attachments - Click the Description to view the attachment in a new window.
Date Description
22/05/2012 120518 Access Statement
22/05/2012 120518 Application Form NPD
22/05/2012 120518 Contamination Report.
22/05/2012 120518 Design Statement.
22/05/2012 120518 Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey Report Pt 1
22/05/2012 \120518 Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey Report Pt 2
22/05/2012 120518 Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey Report Pt 3
22/05/2012 120518 Floor Plan House Type A Drg 02
22/05/2012 120518 Floor Plan House Type B Drg 03
22/05/2012 \120518 Floor Plan House Type C Drg 0
22/05/2012 120518 Floor Plan House Type D Drg 05
22/05/2012 120518 Planning Policy Analysis.
22/05/2012 120518 Pre-Assessment Report Code Sustainable Homes
22/05/2012 120518 Proposed Elevations House Type A Drg 06.
22/05/2012 120518 Proposed Elevations House Type B Drg 07
22/05/2012 120518 Proposed Elevations House Type C Drg 08.
22/05/2012 120518 Proposed Elevations House Type D Drg 09.
22/05/2012 120518 Proposed Site Plan Drg 01
22/05/2012 120518 Site Plan 1 Drg 10.
22/05/2012 120518 Site Plan 2 Drg 11
22/05/2012 120518 Site Plan 3 Drg 12
22/05/2012 120518 Site Plan 4 Drg 13
22/05/2012 120518 Site Sections 1 Drg 14.
22/05/2012 120518 Site Sections 2 Drg 15
31/05/2012 pre-app comments